- The purpose of this assignment was to use the data set from US Census to invesitigate rates of income, obesity, poverty, etc. by state to build a scatterplot
- The dataset: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml](https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml
- JavaScript
- D3.js
- D3.js interactive visualization
- tooltips
- Before attempting to plot, I first load in the csv and did a
to make sure I correctly loaded the csv Note: You'll need to usepython -m http.server
to run the visualization. This will host the page atlocalhost:8000
in your web browser. - Next, I made sure that my margins were appropriate so that I can properly do a scatterplot
- This assignment had two parts - main assignment and bonus assignment. I first did the main assignment to make sure that I could get the most basic scatter plot.
- The main assigment required to create a scatter plot between two of the data variables such as
Healthcare vs. Poverty
orSmokers vs. Age
. - Once the scatter plot was created, I added a state abbreviations to each circle.
var circleText = chartGroup.selectAll()
.text(d => d.abbr)
.attr("x", d => xLinearScale(d[xProperty]))
.attr("y", d => yLinearScale(d[yProperty]))
.attr("class", "stateText")
.attr("font-size", "9");
- The bonus portion required additional variables and tooltip with interactions.