
Simple terminal-command bookmarking tool for quick cd'ing

Primary LanguagePython


Crazy-simple quick-bookmark terminal script for OSX and Linux. Bookmark the current directory with the bkm my-folder command. Navigate back to it by simply typing my-folder.


Command Description Example
bkm ls List all current bookmarks. bkm ls
bkm rm [nickname] Remove the bookmark for the given nickname. bkm rm projects
bkm [nickname] Nickname the current directory nickname bkm projects
bkm [nickname] [directory] Nickname the directory nickname bkm projects ~/Documents/Projects



If you trust me (and literally it's like five lines of code so why not) simply run this from your terminal:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/j6k4m8/bkm/master/bkm_setup.sh | sh

If you use zsh, you can use:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/j6k4m8/bkm/master/bkm_setup_zsh.sh | sh

Manual Install

Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or whatever:

source ~/.bkm

I put the bkm executable in my ~ directory and renamed it ._bkm.

Then I can reference it from anywhere by adding this line to my rc-file:

alias bkm="~/._bkm"


Navigate to a directory, and then simply type bkm [nickname], where nickname is the name you want to use to get to this directory from anywhere. For instance,

cd ~/Documents/CuteGoldfishPictures/Favorites
bkm gfish

Re-source your rc (source ~/.bashrc) and then you can type gfish from any directory to immediately navigate back to that directory.