Todo list app that allows user to manage projects and tasks in user-friendly GUI and save projects to local storage.
Purpose of Project: This portfolio project is a todo list app that showcases my skills in front-end web development, validation and sanitization of user-inupt data, and user-friendly, accessible design. It also served as a learning exercise in learning React, as I converted an older project to React and Typescript from pure Javascript.
Core Features: This project implements formik and yup libraries to validate and sanizize user data. Using react hooks such as useContext, input data being typed is compared in real-time to other projects saved in state to ensure no chance of naming collisions. Makes use of localStorage to save user data without the need for a back-end or logging in. Users may safely edit or delete any of their projects and tasks.
User Experience:
Page load with no existing data
Page load with existing data prompts user to open projects sidebar
Small screen users experience project sidebar as menu overlay