Node version : v20.13.0

Frontend: tech stack: React.js unit testing: I have used cypress for frontend unit testing and component testing.

CSS: Css I have used tailwind css for better user experience.

backend: tech stack: Express.js, MongoDB unit testing: I have used cypress for backend unit testing.

In this project you can manage task. Before that you have to create a user. if you have account then you can login with the email and password. to go to the landing page. After creating you can access the dashboard. In this project you can update profile. profile avatar also change from profile page.


  1. you can login with email and password
  2. you can update profile details after login
  3. you can signup with new email and password
  4. You can create new task, update and delete and filter tasks from dashboard.
  5. if you review code There you can see i have unit tested.
  6. For file uploading i have used multer and storing inside a folder of backend pwd.
  7. Validated api using express-validator and also in frontend using formik yup.
  8. I have handle error

###How to start###

step 1:

cd backend npm run start

For unit testing yarn test

step 2: cd frontend npm run start

For unit testing yarn test

Please have a look