Swiss-army knife for Android testing and development. A command-line interface to trigger various scenarios like screen rotation, battery saver mode, data saver mode, doze mode, permission grant/revocation.
sudo pip3 install adb-enhanced
sudo pip install adb-enhanced
for python2 based install works as well but I would recommend moving to python3 since I might deprecate python2 support at some point.- If you don't have sudo access or you are installing without sudo then
might not be configured correctly in the path. - To setup bash/z-sh auto-completion, execute
sudo pip3 install infi.docopt-completion && docopt-completion $(which adbe)
after installing adb-enhanced.
Turn doze mode on
adbe doze on
Turn mobile-data off
adbe mobile-data off
Turn on battery saver
adbe battery saver on
Don't keep activities in the background
adbe dont-keep-activities on
Take a screenshot
adbe screenshot ~/Downloads/screenshot1.png
Take a video
adbe screenrecord video.mp4 # Press ^C when finished
Grant storage-related runtime permissions
adbe permissions grant com.example storage
Revoke storage-related runtime permissions
adbe permissions revoke com.example storage
Start an app
adbe start com.example
Kill an app
adbe force-stop com.example
Clear app data - equivalent of uninstall and reinstall
adbe clear-data com.example
ls/cat/rm any file without worrying about adding "run-as" or "su root"
adbe ls /data/data/com.example/databases
# Works as long as com.example is a debuggable package, or shell has the root permission or directory has been made publicly accessible
Detailed device info including model name, Android API version etc, device serial
$ adbe devices Unlock Device "dcc54112" and give USB debugging access to this PC/Laptop by unlocking and reconnecting the device. More info about this device: "unauthorized usb:339869696X transport_id:17" Serial ID: dcc54111 Manufacturer: OnePlus Model: ONEPLUS A5000 (OnePlus 5T) Release: 8.1.0 SDK version: 27 CPU: arm64-v8a Serial ID: emulator-5554 Manufacturer: unknown Model: Android SDK built for x86 Release: 4.4.2 SDK version: 19 CPU: x86
Detailed information about app version, target SDK version, permissions (requested, granted, denied), installer package name etc.
$ adbe app info App name: Version: 12.17.41 Version Code: 121741370 Is debuggable: False Min SDK version: 21 Target SDK version: 26 Permissions: Install time granted permissions: android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALS android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW android.permission.NFC android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED android.permission.INTERNET android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE android.permission.VIBRATE android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE android.permission.WAKE_LOCK Runtime Permissions not granted and not yet requested: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS android.permission.CAMERA android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO android.permission.READ_CONTACTS android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE android.permission.SEND_SMS android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE com.sonymobile.home.permission.PROVIDER_INSERT_BADGE android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Installer package name: None
App backup to a tar file unlike the Android-specific .ab format
$ adbe app backup backup.tar
adbe [options] rotate (landscape | portrait | left | right)
adbe [options] gfx (on | off | lines)
adbe [options] overdraw (on | off | deut)
adbe [options] layout (on | off)
adbe [options] airplane (on | off)
adbe [options] battery level <percentage>
adbe [options] battery saver (on | off)
adbe [options] battery reset
adbe [options] doze (on | off)
adbe [options] jank <app_name>
adbe [options] devices
adbe [options] top-activity
adbe [options] dump-ui <xml_file>
adbe [options] mobile-data (on | off)
adbe [options] mobile-data saver (on | off)
adbe [options] rtl (on | off)
adbe [options] screenshot <filename.png>
adbe [options] screenrecord <filename.mp4>
adbe [options] dont-keep-activities (on | off)
adbe [options] animations (on | off)
adbe [options] show-taps (on | off)
adbe [options] stay-awake-while-charging (on | off)
adbe [options] input-text <text>
adbe [options] press back
adbe [options] open-url <url>
adbe [options] permission-groups list all
adbe [options] permissions list (all | dangerous)
adbe [options] permissions (grant | revoke) <app_name> (calendar | camera | contacts | location | microphone | phone | sensors | sms | storage)
adbe [options] apps list (all | system | third-party | debug | backup-enabled)
adbe [options] standby-bucket get <app_name>
adbe [options] standby-bucket set <app_name> (active | working_set | frequent | rare)
adbe [options] restrict-background (true | false) <app_name>
adbe [options] ls [-a] [-l] [-R|-r] <file_path>
adbe [options] rm [-f] [-R|-r] <file_path>
adbe [options] mv [-f] <src_path> <dest_path>
adbe [options] pull [-a] <file_path_on_android>
adbe [options] pull [-a] <file_path_on_android> <file_path_on_machine>
adbe [options] push <file_path_on_machine> <file_path_on_android>
adbe [options] cat <file_path>
adbe [options] start <app_name>
adbe [options] stop <app_name>
adbe [options] restart <app_name>
adbe [options] force-stop <app_name>
adbe [options] clear-data <app_name>
adbe [options] app info <app_name>
adbe [options] app path <app_name>
adbe [options] app signature <app_name>
adbe [options] app backup <app_name> <backup_tar_file_path>
adbe [options] install <file_path>
adbe [options] uninstall <app_name>
-e, --emulator directs the command to the only running emulator
-d, --device directs the command to the only connected "USB" device
-s, --serial SERIAL directs the command to the device or emulator with the given serial number or qualifier.
Overrides ANDROID_SERIAL environment variable.
-l For long list format, only valid for "ls" command
-R For recursive directory listing, only valid for "ls" and "rm" command
-r For delete file, only valid for "ls" and "rm" command
-f For forced deletion of a file, only valid for "rm" command
-v, --verbose Verbose mode
As of Nov 15, 2018, I would strongly discourage installation of this package using Python 2. Python 3 is recommended and Python 2 will not be supported after Dec 31, 2018.
As of Nov 27, 2017, the code is python3 compatible, and as of Jan 18, 2018, pip (python package manager) has the updated version.
Note: The inspiration of this project came from android-scripts.