
Introduction to DOM manipulation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Introduction to DOM manipulation


  1. Clone this repo.

  2. Open exercise/exercise.js and follow the instructions.

What is the DOM?

The DOM is the Document Object Model, it is the browser's interpretation of the page once it has been parsed.

DOM elements

In your browser, if you right-click on a page, you see inspect element.

inpect element

In the image below, article is a DOM element.

article DOM element

Any html elements you write will be DOM elements in the browser, for example: div, span, input, section, etc etc.

Accessing DOM elements using Javascript

You can access DOM elements with javascript.

document.getElementById("myId") returns the element with ID "myId";

<article id="featured-article">
  Lorem ipsum...
  var featuredArticleElement = document.getElementById(#featured-article);
  // <article id="featured-article">...</article>

document.getElementsByClassName("myClass") returns an array-like object of all elements with the class "myClass";

<li class="menu-item">
<li class="menu-item">
  var menuItems = document.getElementsByClassName("menu-item");
  // [_li.menu-item_,_li.menu-item_]

document.querySelector(myCssSelector) returns the first element matching myCssSelector, where myCssSelector takes the form of a CSS selector for example "#myId", ".myClass", "myTag", etc etc.

<li class="menu-item">
<li class="menu-item">
  var firstMenuItem = document.querySelector(".menu-item");
  // <li class="menu-item">London</li>

document.querySelectorAll(myCssSelector) returns an array-like object of all elements matching myCssSelector.

<li class="menu-item">
<li class="menu-item">
  var firstMenuItem = document.querySelectorAll(".menu-item");
  // [_li.menu-item_,_li.menu-item_];

DOM element properties

We can access properties of DOM elements using javscript.

<section id="featured-section" class="highlight">
  <p>Lorem ipsum...</p>
  document.querySelector("#featured-section").className; // "featured-section highlight"

What are object properties in javascript?

Here is a list of the DOM element properties

DOM element methods

What are object methods in javacript?

Here is a list of the DOM element methods