
AI will detect your body language and decode it whether you are sad, happy, and other emotions. You can add another body language.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Body Language Decoder Using Bodypix

  • Body Language Decoder is AI Model which will predict body language based on your pose and face expression.
  • Currently this model detect happy , sad and victorious.
  • You can train your model on your data.
  • You can also add other body languages.

Install Following Dependencies 👇:

pip install mediapipe opencv-python scikit-learn pandas

Requirements & Helful Documentation⭐:


  npm install git+https://github.com/manthan89-py/Body-Langugae-Decoder-Using-Mediapipe.git
  Download Code as Zip
  git clone https://github.com/manthan89-py/Body-Langugae-Decoder-Using-Mediapipe.git

Main Credits and Video Tutorial ❤️:

Final Note⭐:

  • Bug fixing, Code error or Anything Raise issue🤚. If it any have.

  • Happy to hear your sugesstions🤝 about this project.

  • Feel Free to Give ⭐ to this Repository.

  • Thank you very much for visiting ❤️.

  • Stay Safe✌️ and Stay Healthy✌️.