
In this mini-project, we are detecting hands from a live camera and also landmarks of hands. For Hand detection, I used the Mediapipe library along with Opencv.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • In this mini project we are detecting hands from live camera and also landmarks of hands.
  • For Hand detection I used Mediapipe library along with Opencv.

Install Following Dependencies 👇:

pip install mediapipe opencv-python

Requirements & Helful Documentation⭐:

Code ⬇️:

  • Download Code as Zip OR
git clone https://github.com/manthan89-py/Handpost-Estimation-Using-Mediapipe.git

Main Credits and Video Tutorial ❤️:

Final Note⭐:

  • Bug fixing, Code error or Anything Raise issue🤚. If it any have.

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