
A roadmap to learn flutter

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Roadmap

This repository will contain all the study material like videos and blogs for you to read over the period of 4 weeks. Few assumptions for your consideration

  1. You are free for next 4 weeks and ready to dedicate your precious time to this.
  2. You have prior knowledge in some other language.

Some things to note:

  1. For any doubts, you can contact me on LinkedIn.
  2. I encourage searching on google your doubts before asking to me as it will inculcate a strong habit of solving your problems on your own using google.
  3. Each week you will be provided with a task to complete which is to be completed in the same week. You will be submitting the code and screen recording of the task you have completed so that I can validate the completion of the task.


There are some major pre-requisites if you really want gain out of this 4 week lonk programme

  1. An open mind to learn new things
  2. Dedication towards learning This will suffice


Before every week the resources will be updated here with a task to be completed. You can choose any medium to study. I am providing both blogs and video. Study as per your convenience.

Week 1

  1. Installing Flutter

    (i) [Blog] https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install/windows

    (ii) [Blog] https://enappd.com/blog/setup-flutter-in-windows-and-mac/36/

    (iii) [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3UfYS0bqhE [For windows]

    (iv) [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy-qHlaHr6c [For Mac]

  2. Learn the basics of Dart The basics contains Dart Syntax, Data Types, Operators, Loops, Lists, Lists Operations, Maps, Functions, Dart OOP, Classes, Dart OOP Properties, Dart OOP Methods, Dart OOP Constructors, Dart OOP Setter & Getter, Dart OOP Class Inheritance

    (i) [Reading Resource] https://www.tutorialspoint.com/dart_programming/index.htm

    (ii) [Blog Pt.1] https://medium.com/@manthangupta109/learn-just-enough-dart-for-flutter-part-1-c8f3b20bd6d2

    (iii) [Blog Pt.2] https://medium.com/@manthangupta109/learn-just-enough-dart-for-flutter-part-2-52d7828e93ce

    (iv) [Blog Pt.3] https://medium.com/@manthangupta109/learn-just-enough-dart-for-flutter-part-3-427e713c895a

    (v) [Blog Pt.4] https://medium.com/@manthangupta109/learn-just-enough-dart-for-flutter-part-4-1734648c9a01

    (vi) [Video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ej_Pcr4uC2Q

  3. Get Familiar With the basic Flutter Widgets

    (i) [Blog] https://medium.com/@dev.n/the-complete-flutter-series-article-2-basic-widgets-and-layout-in-flutter-92a4fbd4a3e1

    (ii) [Blog Pt.1] https://pusher.com/tutorials/flutter-widgets

    (iii) [Blog Pt.2] https://pusher.com/tutorials/flutter-building-layouts

    (iv) [Video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJEnTRBxaSg


Create a simple layout of your choice.


  1. Stateless vs Stateful Widgets

    (i) [Blog] https://medium.com/flutter-community/flutter-stateful-vs-stateless-db325309deae

  2. Learning Widgets (Advanced)

    Follow the tutorial completely

    (i) [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-igXZCCrrc&t=10s

  3. Login Screen with connecting to Firebase

    Follow the tutorial completely

    (i) [video pt.1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13-jNF984C0

    (ii) [video pt.2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXlMNfwhlwg

    (iii) [video pt.3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk80Meyk7PM

  4. State Management

    (i) [blog] https://medium.com/flutterpub/provider-state-management-in-flutter-d453e73537c5


Complete the tutorials to complete this weeks task.

Week 3

  1. Using API in Flutter Follow the tutorial and also rectify the error in the end of the video

    (i) [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeXJqZCiwTQ

  2. Making a News Reader App

    (i) [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRBE6Ligmv4

  3. BMI App Follow the blog and build the app and you can try adding new elements to it to add your twist

    (i) [blog] https://medium.com/@manthangupta109/building-a-bmi-app-with-flutter-f14dfe2348


Create a Weather Forecasting app using an API. The link to API is provided below.

NOTE: The design should be your own

Link of the API : https://openweathermap.org/api

You are entering into the final week

Week 4

Make an app of your choice this week and submit it to finish off your 4 week long Roadmap.

Thanks for joining !