
Manage encrypted secrets on S3 using KMS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AWS Secret Manager for Node

Allows download and upload of secrets from AWS S3 and KMS

npm version Build Status Coverage Status


Upload secret to S3 via KMS encryption

const SecretsManager = require("aws-secrets-manager");
const secretsManager = new SecretsManager();

var options = {
    secret: 'my-plaintext-secret',
    s3Location: 's3://mybucket/mysecret',
    kmsKeyId: 'my-kms-key-id/arn/alias'
    .then(function (ciphertextBuffer) {
        // Upload and encryption was successful
        // ciphertextBuffer as Buffer object
    }).catch(function (err) {
        // If things went wrong
        // err is Error object

Access encrypted secret stored on S3

const SecretsManager = require("aws-secrets-manager");
const secretsManager = new SecretsManager();

    .then(function (ciphertext) {
        // Download and decryption was successful
        // ciphertext as Buffer object
    .catch(function (err) {
        // If things went wrong
        // err is Error object


If you have a question/idea/suggestion, I'd like to encourage you to raise an issue with relevant label. I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.

If you are able, I highly encourage people to communicate their ideas over a pull request with code as it is the best and most efficient way to effectively knowledge transfer.