
Backend app as seen on my Youtube Writing Code series

MIT LicenseMIT


Backend app as seen on my Youtube Writing Code series

Session hot links


You must have the following software installed before you can use this code:

  1. git
  2. node and npm

How to

1. Clone the repository

If you are doing this for the first time, clone the repository using the following command (you must have git, node and npm preinstalled):

git clone https://github.com/manthanhd/wc-todoapp-backend.git

2. Update the repository

If you have just cloned the repository fresh, you may not need to do this. If have already cloned it but can't find the code for the latest session, run the following command:

git fetch origin

3. Checkout the branch for a session

Each session is uploaded to its own branch. In order to "checkout" the code, run the following command:

git checkout <branch-name>

For example, to checkout the first session, run:

git checkout session-1-project-setup

If for some reason the checkout fails, try updating the repository (step 2), check for typos in branch name and/or try again.

Remember, you can always browse code on github.com using the code link under the session.


Project Setup

Video link: https://youtu.be/h_XLt-vckoM

Code link: https://github.com/manthanhd/wc-todoapp-backend/tree/session-1-project-setup

Branch name: session-1-project-setup

Version Control

Video link: https://youtu.be/RyMm_fP8c8Y

No significant code changes in this video

Add a Todo List

Video link: https://youtu.be/EzOrsbnvngw

Code link: https://github.com/manthanhd/wc-todoapp-backend/tree/session-3-add-lists

Branch name: session-3-add-lists

Getting all added todo lists

Video link: https://youtu.be/nNjJpV239fs

Code link: https://github.com/manthanhd/wc-todoapp-backend/tree/session-4-get-todo-lists

Branch name: session-4-get-todo-lists

Getting a Todo List by its ID

Video link: https://youtu.be/uFLwseyMNao

Code link: https://github.com/manthanhd/wc-todoapp-backend/tree/session-5-get-todo-list-by-id

Branch name: session-5-get-todo-list-by-id

Deleting a Todo List by ID

Video link: https://youtu.be/E22QensdrdI

Code link: https://github.com/manthanhd/wc-todoapp-backend/tree/session-6-delete-todo-list-by-id

Branch name: session-6-delete-todo-list-by-id

MongoDB Database Integration

Video link: https://youtu.be/zpNEEXXRHgQ

Code link: https://github.com/manthanhd/wc-todoapp-backend/tree/session-7-replace-stubs-with-mongodb

Branch name: session-7-replace-stubs-with-mongodb