Detecting Covid-19 from X-ray Images.
- Note: Purpose of this test project is to learn how to build a CNN model. It does not claim any guarantee of the outcome.
To build a CNN model for detecting COVID-19 and create a complete end to end Project.
- Dataset of X-ray Images are taken from Kaggle.
- Check Chest_xray_Corona_Metadata.csv and Chest_xray_Corona_dataset_Summary.csv from the given link for COVID-19 infected X-ray images.
- Here, I have manually chosen images of Covid-19 and Normal State.
- Entire model is trained on total around 400 images.
- For testing, I have used around 50 images.
- Below is the model that I have created.
- If you also want to visualize your model check Netron.
- Here, the input image is (224,224,3) which means image is (224,224) size with RGB color.
Conv2D Layer(3,3,3,32): Conv2D Layer contains 32 kernels, size (3,3) ====> Output: 32 images of size (222,222).
Conv2D Layer(3,3,32,64): Conv2D Layer contain 64 kernels, size (3,3) ====> Output: 64 images of size (220,220).
MaxPool2D Layer (3,3): MaxPool2D Layer is applied with (3,3) pool-size ====> Output: 64 images of size (73,73).
Dropout Layer
Conv2D Layer(3,3,64,64): Conv2D Layer contain 64 kernels, size (3,3) ====> Output: 64 images of size (71,71).
MaxPool2D Layer (3,3): MaxPool2D Layer is applied with (3,3) pool-size ====> Output: 64 images of size (23,23).
Dropout Layer
Conv2D Layer(3,3,64,128): Conv2D Layer contain 128 kernels, size (3,3) ====> Output: 128 images of size (21,21).
MaxPool2D Layer (3,3): MaxPool2D Layer is applied with (3,3) pool-size ====> Output: 128 images of size (7,7).
Dropout Layer
Flatten Layer: This will flatten all the (7,7,128) images ====> Output: (6272).
Dense Layer(6272,128): Here Flattened array will be passed to 128 neurons in the Hidden Layer with applying 'relu' Activation Function ====> Output: (128).
Dense Layer(128,2): Output of 128 Neurons is passed to 2 Neurons with Activation Function 'softmax' which will help in deciding final output. ====> Output: (2).
Here, The Images are converted into different dimensions according to applied different Mathematical Equations based on Conv2D layer, MaxPolling and Padding.
Detail code about training model is available in Covid(GoogleColab).ipynb and prediction based code is available in Covid.ipynb.
Check regarding WebApp code.
Our Final Trained model is covid.h5.