This is the repository used for the user scripts repository in Mantid
- abuts
- AndreiSavici
- DennisMikkelson
- dymkowsk
- FedeMPouzolsESO
- FreddieAkeroydISIS Neutron and Muon Source, STFC
- gesnerpassos
- ianbushTessella
- JeanBilheux
- jhcloos
- Jon-Taylor
- KarlPalmen
- keeeto
- keithnbrownNottingham, UK
- mantid-builder
- mantid-publisher
- mantid-roman
- marieyao
- martyngiggSTFC
- mdoucetOak Ridge National Laboratory
- mganevaForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, JCNS, outstation at MLZ
- millersdORNL
- NickDraperOxfordshire, UK
- OwenArnoldOxford
- PascalManuel
- peterfpetersonKnoxville, TN
- rgmillerOak Ridge National Laboratory
- rmdalgliesh
- rprosperoISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source
- russellewings
- RuthFromDuluth
- samueljackson92UKAEA
- Shelly-Ren
- VickieLynchOak Ridge, TN
- wdzhouORNL
- yxqd