Pinned issues
- 0
Tree onSelect Event not triggered
#7326 opened by xuebin-git - 2
- 0
Update dependencies to support React 19
#7320 opened by OsamaAlmaani - 2
Hovering tree node in Tree component causes re-render
#7266 opened by matejdostal - 2
Container.extend is not a function
#7316 opened by sovetski - 2
'auto' color scheme support for SSR
#7314 opened by sovetski - 0
Stuck cursor in focused `Select` value.
#7313 opened by crabvk - 0
If theme colors are specified in OKLCH format, fallback colors are not generated for older browsers
#7312 opened by andrictham - 1
- 2
Hovering tree node in Tree component causes re-render
#7309 opened by xauuu - 2
Unrecognized Prop Error in @mantine/charts
#7288 opened by r-walsh - 0
Some transitions depend on --mantine-scale which is only included in styles.css
#7306 opened by DanielGibbsNZ - 0
DateTimePicker: hasNextLevel props is not working
#7305 opened by h8570rg - 7
- 4
- 3
carousel slide item position uncorrect
#7299 opened by jamalsoueidan - 1
- 1
- 7
- 24
Type 'bigint' is not assignable to type 'ReactNode'.
#7242 opened by lien-dkseo - 1
- 0
[@mantine/dates] DateInput does not close date picker or properly format the date on Enter key press
#7279 opened by przemekciacka - 0
Unexpected margin removal in TypographyStylesProvider
#7289 opened by QuinnStraus - 1
- 3
Bug with Modal Components - Height is 32px even when not visible, and within portal
#7263 opened by Shadowfita - 4
RadioCard exception focus
#7249 opened by gvillo - 1
General scroll problem with ScrollArea
#7295 opened by waldimiro - 3
Hydration failed because the server rendered HTML didn't match the client
#7294 opened by jamalsoueidan - 1
Links to code in AppShell page do not work
#7291 opened by jpet710122 - 2
- 0
- 2
- 1
- 0
Multi-line paragraphs in list items in RichTextEditor have the marker bottom aligned
#7254 opened by QuinnStraus - 2
- 1
Rich text editor custom controls has no border anymore
#7239 opened by daniel-heg - 1
@mantine/core Slider thumb children have incorrect color when using dark theme
#7231 opened by ZFudge - 2
- 1
@mantine/core/Switch is missing data-checked attribute.
#7228 opened by zstarvit - 6
- 1
Notification closeButton class name is not targetable with Tailwind css classes
#7222 opened by tseringnt - 1
Modal styles type error when trying to use with emotion
#7236 opened by paulm17 - 0
Paragraphs inside lists move to a different line from list bullets when using TypographyStylesProvider
#7223 opened by QuinnStraus - 0
sassOptions's additionalData uses backslashes which git bash (Windows) cannot resolve, resulting in build failure
#7237 opened by jnachtigall - 1
there is an error on the mantine homepage.
#7240 opened by ryuhangyeong - 3
- 1
broken link:
#7244 opened by galdiolo - 11
`@types/react` installation mismatch
#7227 opened by bobbysciacchitano - 1
@mantine/carousel is missing in npm registry
#7233 opened by kosgo - 1
Broken Link
#7225 opened by choozin