
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Teecher is a Jugend Hackt project (Check out their website & github) which tries to solve the problems that some students may have, when trying to give constructive feedback to their teachers, with anonymity. This helps teachers get the feedback that they should be getting and then can fix the problems that they may have not know they had in the first place.

Teecher is a website (not yet hosted) built with the MEAN stack - MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node - however is still very much a work in progress.

How to run:

If you want to see the website, right now thats pretty complicated. Until we have the website online here's what you can do.

  1. Download nodejs
  2. Download mongodb and run mongod in the terminal. You will also need to create data/db folder.
  3. Enter the teecher files and run npm install in the terminal
  4. Run npm start
  5. Go to port 3000 on your browser http://localhost:3000/#/


  • Add more stuff to the readme.md including a german intro.
  • Get the website hosted.
  • Complete the Add teacher part.
  • Use UpUp for offline browsing :)
  • Much, Much more.