
:artificial_satellite: brut3k1t is a security-oriented research framework for conducting bruteforce attacks against a multitude of protocols and services

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


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brut3k1t is a security-oriented research framework for conducting bruteforce attacks against a multitude of protocols and services

0. Credit

The original design that inspired me to write a full-out bruteforce project was @chinoogawa, with the original instaBrute design. Thanks!

1. Introduction

brut3k1t is a bruteforce framework that supports dictionary attacks for several protocols and services. The current protocols that are complete and in support are:


Webbased Services


The idea behind how brut3k1t works is deceptively simple.

Libraries for connecting and authenticating to network protocols have existed as part of most programming languages' standard library, and brut3k1t abuses them in order to execute bruteforce attacks.

As for web-based services and sites, by utilizing browser manipulation, brut3k1t relies on a bot to visit the webpage, hooking onto authentication input field elements, and sending the username / password.

2. Installation


  • firefox (as your browser)
  • python (2.7.x)
  • pip2.7
  • wget
  • tar

brut3k1t is available on PyPI! You can install using pip:

$ pip install brut3k1t

Or, if you choose to build from source:

$ git clone https://github.com/ex0dus-0x/brut3k1t && cd brut3k1t/
$ python setup.py install

3. Troubleshooting

  1. Can't load the profile. Profile Dir: /some/path, or 'geckodriver' executable needs to be in PATH.

geckodriver is not in the PATH. Make sure that you have run the installer before-hand, and that there is a geckodriver in your PATH (e.g /usr/bin). If not, you may have to manually put it there by downloading the executable here, and placing it in your PATH.

  1. Twitter/Facebook/Instagram login page is not rendering / brut3k1t is not hooking onto page!

Web-based services often change their authentication page front-end. If this is the case and new extraneous elements are introduced (such as unnecessary "loading bars"), use a higher delay. This way, the program is able to wait until they go away, and then inject the username/password.

4. Usage

Utilizing brut3k1t is a little more complicated than just running a Python file.

Typing brut3k1t -h shows the help menu:

usage: brut3k1t [-h] [-s] [-u USERNAME] [-w WORDLIST] [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT]
            [-d DELAY]

Bruteforce framework written in Python

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                      Provide host address for specified service. Required
                      for certain protocols
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Provide port for host address for specified service.
                      If not specified, will be automatically set
  -d DELAY, --delay DELAY
                      Provide the number of seconds the program delays as
                      each password is tried

required arguments:
  -s , --service        Provide a service being attacked. The Protocols and
                      Services supported are SSH, FTP, SMTP, XMPP, TELNET,
                      INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, MD5, SHA1, SHA224
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                      Provide a valid username/hashstring for
                      service/protocol/hashcrack being executed
  -w WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST
                      Provide a wordlist or directory to a wordlist

Note that with the new release of the hashcrack feature, the --username flag is used to supply the target hashstring for hash cracking!

5. Examples of usage:

Cracking SSH server running on using root and wordlist.txt as a wordlist.

brut3k1t -s ssh -a -u root -w wordlist.txt

The program will automatically set the port to 22, but if it is different, specify with -p flag.

Cracking email test@gmail.com with wordlist.txt on port 25 with a 3 second delay. For email it is necessary to use the SMTP server's address. For e.g Gmail = smtp.gmail.com. You can research this using Google.

brut3k1t -s smtp -a smtp.gmail.com -u test@gmail.com -w wordlist.txt -p 25 -d 3

Cracking XMPP test@creep.im with wordlist.txt on default port 5222. XMPP also is similar to SMTP, whereas you will need to provide the address of the XMPP server, in this case creep.im.

brut3k1t -s xmpp -a creep.im -u test -w wordlist.txt

Cracking Facebook requires either the username (preferable, in this case, test), email, phone number, or even ID.

brut3k1t -s facebook -u test -w wordlist.txt

Cracking Instagram with username test with wordlist wordlist.txt and a 5 second delay

brut3k1t -s instagram -u test -w wordlist.txt -d 5

Cracking Twitter with username test with wordlist wordlist.txt

brut3k1t -s twitter -u test -w wordlist.txt

Cracking a MD5 hash (where username is the hashstring) with wordlist wordlist.txt

brut3k1t -s md5 -u 86bd1db79525abdd576165c1427f9bf6 -w wordlist.txt


  • If you do not supply the port -p flag, the default port for that service will be used. You do not need to provide it for Facebook and Instagram, since they are um... web-based. :)

  • If you do not supply the delay -d flag, the default delay in seconds will be 1.

  • Remember, use the SMTP server address (i.e smtp.gmail.com) and XMPP server address for the address -a flag, when cracking SMTP and XMPP, respectively.

  • Make sure the wordlist and its directory is specified. If it is in /usr/local/wordlists/wordlist.txt specify that for the wordlist -w flag.

  • Remember that some protocols are not based on their default port. A FTP server will not necessarily always be on port 21. Please keep that in mind.

  • Use this for educational and ethical hacking purposes, as well as the sake of learning code and security-oriented practices. No script kiddies!

Thanks for trying out brut3k1t! I've been pretty lazy in terms of development and keeping this code updated and in track, so please PLEASE report any sort of errors that arise (including false-positives).


If you have any proposed changes, please make a pull request or issue!

brut3k1t was designed as a pragmatic approach towards testing bruteforce attacks on various platforms. In no way does it endorse malicious hacking. Please do not support the use of this code as a method of advancing black-hat activites.

