
Primary LanguageCSS

This is the source of the Codurance web site. It is built and pushed to the gh-pages branch.


Installing on the MacOSX / Linux

Run the below commands to install the necessary gems (you might need to prefix the commands with sudo):

gem install bundler
gem install rspec-core -v '3.4.1'
gem install jekyll
bundle install

In case the bundle install command aborts, with a message about a missing gem, install the missing gem indicated in the message and re-run bundle install. Repeat this for the number of times missing gems are notified.

Note: this should take a bit of time to install the gems.

If you are using RVM, you should create a gh-pages gemset first using the command rvm gemset create gh-pages, which will help you isolate your gems from your standard Ruby installation; you should then run rvm gemset use gh-pages when you start a new terminal session.


To build the site, run rake build or jekyll serve from the root directory of the project. You will not often have to do this manually; more often, you'll want a server in the background so you can verify your changes are as expected.

Serving the Web Site Locally

Running rake serve will serve the web site at http://localhost:4000/ and watch for incremental changes in the background so you can test your site. If you want your page generated quicker then run rake servequick which will only generate the most recent 3 blogs and the rest of the site.

The above commands should be executed from the root directory of the project.

Serving the Web Site from Docker

[Docker Installation required]

To build and serve the site from Docker you need to build a local image based. Dockerfile for is ready to use in directory docker.

You need to execute the following command to prepare an image and run a container:

docker build --tag codurance-site:local -f ./docker/Dockerfile-local ./docker/
docker run -d -v <<root_directory_of_this_project>>:/site -p 4000:4000 --name codurance-site codurance-site:local


The site doesn't start immediately, because the container executes commands bundle install and rake serve. You can trace the progress of the start process by executing the following command:

docker logs -f codurance-site

!!! Docker-machine users !!!

  1. <<root_directory_of_this_project>> must be stored in a directory available from docker-machine (e.g. /User/<<user_name>>).

  2. [Virtualbox Driver] If you want to edit files from a host system (e.g. OS X or Windows) after each change you have to execute:

    docker exec -ti codurance-site touch /site/<<path_to_changed_file>>

    Refresh takes some time and you can trace the progress by running command docker logs -f codurance-site. The root cause of this problem is describe in this issue report.

Running the Tests

There are some tests around the custom Jekyll plugins for navigation. Run them with rake spec.

Deploying to Production

When you push the master branch, Travis CI will kick off the deployment build, which will run the tests, generate the site and push it to the gh-pages branch.

If you want to push code without deploying a new version of the site, make sure you work in a feature branch, rather than on master directly.

Flight Rules

Adding an abstract to a post

  • See Jenkins example post, especially the abstract field.
  • Note: comments can only be single line
  • Note: Even if they are too long, they'll be cut to 30 words