
Python bot that automatically signs in to Zoom using SSO (only supported domains) and attends a meeting schedule.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Python bot that automatically signs in to Zoom using SSO (only supported domains) and attends a meeting schedule.
Requires Python 3.6 or greater.


Contributions and pull-requests are very much welcome.
These topics stand out:

  • Passing URLs to zoom client on macOS (executing binary or using open?)
  • Support for more SSO domains


Python 3.6 or newer is required to run this.
The dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file must also be satisfied:

  • requests
  • psutil

You can do this with python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Must be run with the current working directory set.

cd zoom-earlybird
python main.py

Firstly the config.json file will be created. You will have to provide:

  • The path to your zoom executable so that we can pass URLs to it:
    On Windows, follow the shortcuts until you find your Zoom.exe, then copy it's location and submit the full path.
    It should look something like: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\bin\Zoom.exe
    On Linux whereis will be used to attempt to locate the install location.
    It should look somethin like: /usr/bin/zoom
  • Your SSO identity provider's URL. Choose one from the list, enter your own or leave it empty if you don't want to use SSO login.
  • SSO username and password, once again no need to fill in if not using SSO.

Lastly you will need to fill in your schedule in the config.json file.
Follow the template in JSON syntax and use URLs in their standard format:

Zoom Desktop Client Setup

For automatic call joining to work properly you'll want to set your Zoom configuration such that it defaults to join without video and with muted audio.

In settings under Video, choose:
Video Settings
Video Settings

In settings under Audio, choose:
Audio Settings
Audio Settings


After editing your config file the interactive menu will be presented.
The options are:

  • sso
    Attempt to run the SSO login flow with the provided details, passing the resulting URL to zoom.
  • test-wakeup
    Attempt to put the machine to sleep for 2 minutes.
  • arm
    Arm the script to attend all the meetings scheduled for the day of the first upcoming meeting, and susepend the machine with a scheduled wakeup.
  • arm-nosleep
    Arm the script to attend all the meetings scheduled for the day of the first upcoming meeting but don't suspend the machine.

Sleep & Wakeup

If the next meeting is scheduled for more than 5 minutes in to the future the machine will be put to sleep and awaken in time for the meeting.
In order for this to work your operating system has to allow RTC wakeups to happen and you to schedule them.
The operating system's Lock Screen when waking up from sleep is not a problem, everything will work in the background since we are running the binary directly instead of using UI.

RTC Wakeups on Windows

On Windows, a task is scheduled with Task Scheduler.
The task runs cmd.exe /k exit which does nothing, but is set to wake up the computer to execute it.
It is also worth checking, especially on laptops, if the currently active power plan is set to allow RTC wakeups:

  • Browse to Edit power plan
    Edit Power Plan

  • Choose Change advanced power settings
    Change advanced power settings

  • In Sleep make sure Allow wake timers is set to Enable
    Allow wake timers

After scheduling the task psshutdown.exe is executed to suspend the machine.

RTC Wakeups on Linux

On Linux rtcwake -m mem is used to suspend the machine to RAM for a certain amount of time.
Depending on your Linux distro this might not be available or enabled so you might have to investigate.

RTC Wakeups on macOS

On macOS pmset is used to schedule a relative wakeup.
The machine is then put to sleep with pmset sleepnow.


An update check against this repository is performed and at run-time.
If a newer version is available an update will be carried out.


At first run a random ID will be generated and stored in your config.json
The software will phone home to report the following telemetry data:

  • Commit hash (version) you are running

To opt out of telemetry set your "telemetry_id" to "opt-out" in your config.json file.

SSO Identity Providers

This list contains some SSO login domains along with the URL you should choose.


URL Support Name
https://idp.iscte-iul.pt/idp/shibboleth SUPPORTED ISCTE-IUL - Instituto Universitario de Lisboa
https://idprovider.uab.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade Aberta
https://idp.ual.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
https://wayf.ucp.pt UNKNOWN Universidade Católica Portuguesa
https://idp.ubi.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade da Beira Interior
https://idp2.uma.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade da Madeira
https://idp.ua.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade de Aveiro
https://idp.uc.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade de Coimbra
https://aai.uevora.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade de Évora
https://id.fc.ul.pt/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php UNKNOWN ULisboa - Faculdade de Ciências
https://aai.isa.utl.pt/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php UNKNOWN ULisboa - Instituto Superior de Agronomia
https://idp.iseg.ulisboa.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN ULisboa - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão
https://id.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/saml UNKNOWN ULisboa - Instituto Superior Técnico
https://wayf.ulisboa.pt UNKNOWN Universidade de Lisboa
https://idp.utad.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade de Trás os Montes e Alto Douro
https://si-saai.ualg.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade do Algarve
https://idp.uminho.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade do Minho
https://wayf.up.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade do Porto
https://login.uac.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade dos Açores
https://idp.universidadeeuropeia.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade Europeia
https://idp.ufp.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade Fernando Pessoa
https://idp.lis.ulusiada.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade Lusíada
https://aai.ulusofona.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade Lusófona
https://idp.ulp.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade Lusófona do Porto
https://wayf.unl.pt/wayf/" UNKNOWN Universidade Nova de Lisboa
https://idp.uportu.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Universidade Portucalense


URL Support Name
https://idp.ipluso.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico da Lusófonia
https://idp.ipbeja.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Beja
https://idp.ipb.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
https://idp00.ipcb.pt/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco
https://wayf.ipc.pt/IPCds UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra
https://idp.ipg.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico da Guarda
https://idp.ipleiria.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
https://idp.net.ipl.pt/simplesaml/saml2/idp/metadata.php UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa
https://idp.ipportalegre.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre
https://vrctsaai.ipsantarem.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Santarém
https://idp.ips.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
https://idp.ipt.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
https://idp.ipvc.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
https://wayf.ipv.pt/IPVds UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
https://idp.ipca.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave
https://idp01.net.ipp.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Politécnico do Porto
https://idp.iseclisboa.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN ISEC Lisboa - Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências
https://idp.ispa.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN ISPA - Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas

Escolas de Ensino Superior

URL Support Name
https://idpesenfc.esenfc.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra
https://esel-idp02.esel.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa
https://idp.esenf.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto
https://idp.eshte.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril
https://idp.enautica.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Escola Superior Náutica Infante Dom Henrique


URL Support Name
https://conferencia.exercito.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Academia Militar
https://lxidp01.ani.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Agência Nacional de Inovação
https://idp.apambiente.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente
https://srvidm01.cccm.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau
https://idp.cienciaviva.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Ciencia Viva
https://idp.cespu.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN CESPU - Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário
https://idp.ciimar.up.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN CIIMAR
https://idpguest.fccn.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Convidados FCCN
https://idp.dges.gov.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Direção Geral do Ensino Superior
https://idp.dgterritorio.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Direção Geral do Território
https://idp1-escnaval.marinha.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Escola Naval
https://idp.fccn.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN FCCN - unidade da FCT I.P.
https://idp.fct.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN FCT - Fundação para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia
https://idp.iave.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto de Avaliação Educativa
https://idp.inesctec.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Tecnologia e Ciencia - INESC TEC
https://idp.igc.gulbenkian.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
https://idp.hidrografico.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Hidrográfico
https://idp.ipdj.gov.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude
https://idp.ipma.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera
https://idp.ium.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Instituto Universitário Militar
https://idp.inl.int/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory
https://idp.lip.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Particulas - LIP
https://idp.lnec.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil
https://lnegrctsaai.lneg.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia
https://idp.sec-geral.mec.pt/idp/shibboleth UNKNOWN Secretaria Geral da Educação e Ciência