
Alex Gorbatchev SyntaxHighlighter, *client-side*

Primary LanguageCSS


A smart package providing Alex Gorbatchev's SyntaxHighlighter on the client side.

For the server side, just use the node-syntaxhighlighter npm package.


Method 1: Our way (recommended)

Use in a template like this:

{{#sh_highlight lang="js"}}function etc() { ... }{{/sh_highlight}}

Or directly in Javascript thus:

var highlighted = sh_highlight(text, lang);

Method 2: Use as "normal" (I don't recommend this)

If you format your <pre> blocks as recommend in the apps documentation, just run SyntaxHighlighter.all() in your template's rendered function. e.g.

Template.example.rendered = function() {

Method 3: For reference, the code used in our helpers

// helper function to choose the right brush
function findBrush(lang) {
	for (brush in SyntaxHighlighter.brushes)
		for (var i=0; i < SyntaxHighlighter.brushes[brush].aliases.length; i++)
			if (SyntaxHighlighter.brushes[brush].aliases[i] == lang)
				return SyntaxHighlighter.brushes[brush];
	return false;

// e.g. var highlighted_code = highlight(code, 'js');
highlight = function(code, lang) {
	var brush = findBrush(lang);
	if (brush) {
		var highlighter = new brush();
		return highlighter.getHtml(code);
	} else {
		return code;

// example to plug into the marked smart package
	highlight: highligh

Smart package info

  1. On deploy, this sends a minified version of all brushes. It would be preferable to load brushes on demand, but this would require support for static assets in smart packages, which I don't believe exists (yet).