This forked repo adds multiple DevOps Tools.


Use this terraform code to setup an EC2 instance in your AWS account. Setup an AWS account profile in your local environment called "securitytest". Caution: This is for educational purposes, you are setting here up a vulnerable test environment with a public reachable IP address. Steps:

  • terraform init
  • terraform apply


Use the generated key from terraform (ec2-ssh-key-pem.pem) to execute the Ansible. Prerequisites:

  • You need to adapt the second line in the file /terraform/ansible/hosts. This line needs to be the output IP address of the applied Terraform EC2. Execute the following to setup Docker and Docker-compose in the ec2:
  • ansible-playbook --private-key=../ec2-ssh-key-pem.pem -i hosts playbook.yml

Now do the following:

Check your code automatically in Gitlabci

  • Clone this repo in your respective gitlab project and push a commit. You will see the results of the scanners "safety" and "bandit" which are failing in this repo.


This is the Documentation of the fork:

Security Introday Coding Challenge

The challenge

Here is a badly written application with many flaws.

Your task is to:

  1. Study the application as a whole and identify the flaws. Try to fix as many of them as possible*.
  2. Containerize the application.
  3. Present the improved application and show us the changes you made.

Notes: *Some flaws cannot be fixed immediately. Document them and explain why they are bad and what will you change.

Demo application



  • GNU/Linux
  • python >= 3.7
  • pip >= 9.0

>= means any version of the package, above or equal to the specified version.


This application requires tornado python package.

You can install them by using:

pip install tornado

Although things do not have to be this way 😉

🚀 Starting the application

Application can be found in file. You can start the application by using:


Visit http://localhost:8000. Login with admin:letmein.


The application comes with a simple predefined sqlite3 database file db. There are two tables:

users table

Column Type Null Note
id INTEGER No Primary key
username VARCHAR(255) No
password VARCHAR(255) No

fruits table

Column Type Null Note
id INTEGER No Primary key
name VARCHAR(255) No
quantity INTEGER No