
Tech task for So-Sure

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Notes Solution

Phone Model Example

  • Basic Solution
  "_id": "5f7ed860c765c43254852976",
  "make": "Samsung",
  "model": "Galaxy S10",
  "storage": "512GB",
  "monthlyPremium": 9.99,
  "yearlyPremium": 109.89,
  "excess": 150
  • Bonus Solution
  "_id": "5f7f06978f042806076d2d8d",
  "make": "LG",
  "model": "G6",
  "storage": "32GB",
  "prices": [
      "startingDate": "2020-10-09",
      "monthlyPremium": 4.69,
      "yearlyPremium": 51.59,
      "excess": 80
      "startingDate": "2020-10-08",
      "monthlyPremium": 4.49,
      "yearlyPremium": 49.39,
      "excess": 75
  • The POST and the GET all phones have been creating to make the development and testing easier.
  • IMPORTANT: The bonus solution will change the model, so please clear the phones collection in the DB before you check out branches (basic-solution vs bonus-solution).
  • Easy way to start with the MongoDB (phones collection):
      "make": "LG",
      "model": "G6",
      "storage": "32GB",
      "monthlyPremium": 4.49,
      "yearlyPremium": 49.39,
      "excess": 75
      "make": "Apple",
      "model": "iPhone 11",
      "storage": "128GB",
      "monthlyPremium": 7.99,
      "yearlyPremium": 87.89,
      "excess": 125
      "make": "Samsung",
      "model": "Galaxy S10",
      "storage": "512GB",
      "monthlyPremium": 9.99,
      "yearlyPremium": 109.89,
      "excess": 150

Node Vagrant Server

Base node.js app repository


Clone the repository

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
node app.js

The server should then be accessible from localhost:1338 on them host machine

If you want to use a database: Mysql and Mongo are both installed on the vagrant machine To access the from a db manager, use a SSH tunnel:

user: vagrant
pwd: vagrant

Then use the usual basic connections ( Feel free to create your own users etc...):

user: root
pwd: root

user: root
pwd: root