
Primary LanguageJavaScript

GraphQL - API

A simple example for GraphQL, Node, and Apollo Server.

How to Run it?

  • npm install -g nodemon to install nodemon globally.
  • npm i to install packages.
  • npm start to run it. Then go to http://localhost:4000/graphql

Folder Structure This project uses the repository pattern, that abstracts into different layers.

  • repositories Contains all the configuration, models and interaction between the API and DB.
  • services Contains methods for our endpoints aka schemas and interactes with the repository layer.
  • schemas A normal graphql schemas.
    • Each schema has a folder inside the schemas folder with two files.
    • schemaName.resolvers.js All the resolvers for the types.
    • schemaName.types.js All the types, mutations, inputs, etc. For our schemas.
    • rootQuery.js Container for all types and resolvers of our schemas.

For more information

Patterns and Inspirations