Wall Labyrinth game done in C++ programming language with Visual Studio

This game has been elaborated for the discipline of Computer Graphics.

It's functionalities are divided in:

  • First person game;
  • Collision system calculated with coordinates of the first person camera and wall positions (done dynamically);
  • Application of glm, GLAD, GLFW and Freetype libraries;
  • Viewport with user's score;
  • Lightning applied;
  • Skin of the map and it's surronding changes according to keyboard input.

Context: User can start the game by choosing a option in the first menu, after that he needs to go through the labyrinth to find it's exit. The player will be presented to a lot of cubes that he can pick up to gain 1 point for each cube obtained. When he finds the exit of the labyrinth a success message will be presented to him. User's score is updated when he touches the cubes and it's presented in the left superior corner by using a viewport with FreeType library.