A Foundry VTT module that shows a ruler when dragging tokens so you can see how far you've dragged them
- 1
Drag Ruler not working with Levels Mod
#325 opened by Deadlander - 11
DragRuler not working with Foundry 12
#326 opened by Haditsch - 1
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V12 Compatibility - freezes tokens
#324 opened by apoapostolov - 2
Drag-ruler broken under v12 b319
#319 opened by n0q - 0
[Feature Request] Add option to add additional distance when passing through tokens
#327 opened by nschoenwald - 1
[Bug] Drag Ruler conflict with Gambit's Premade Module Opportunity Attack Feature[5E]
#323 opened by joaohanizelli - 3
- 0
Dragonbane Ruler is missing
#321 opened by Firehouse-Games - 4
Speed Attribute formulas
#307 opened by erron00 - 0
Shift-drag not bypassing snap to grid in dnd5e
#320 opened by boloniusMonk - 1
What should "Speed Attribute" settings be for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE)?
#318 opened by theMagius0 - 18
Material Plane integration
#311 opened by OmegaRogue - 0
Cannot move tokens while module is active (PF2e)
#317 opened by Lothellion - 2
See history without dragging token a little bit
#316 opened by Exkilter - 1
Ability to set max length of path when pathfinding (mini feature request)
#298 opened by Fabrice-Schoeneberger - 3
Reset of movement during combact
#314 opened by seb9393 - 0
[Bug] when dragging over an undetected creature in Pf2e the creature is revealed
#313 opened by roi007leaf - 6
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Doppleganger effect when dragging tokens
#312 opened by KhorneOnTheCob - 2
Does not wrap methods properly for use with libWrapper
#310 opened by caewok - 1
No measure with home system
#309 opened by eheliot2 - 0
V11 Massive amount of warnings and minor slowdowns every time pathfinding is triggered
#286 opened by apoapostolov - 5
not an issue, rather an ask for help ...
#303 opened by Coyotito007 - 1
Trying to meassure using CTRL in V11
#302 opened by Bryn1701 - 0
PF2E Party Token
#300 opened by laurieathey - 1
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Drag Ruler doesn't work with Enhanced Terrain
#295 opened by CixrTyx - 0
Possibly to delete start position "shadow"?
#296 opened by Krigsmaskine - 0
Integration in Mutants & Masterminds
#294 opened by Zakarik - 0
Pathfinding error with wall height module enabled
#292 opened by tjx62 - 0
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printfmt for ruler label
#290 opened by n0q - 0
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Track history outside of combat
#263 opened by amir-arad - 1
Not sure how to get a message to you other than isn't really an issue but could be.....
#284 opened by YenBenGrey - 2
Moving 4 tiles diagonally has some graphic issues
#272 opened by Janonas - 3
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No printed measurement
#280 opened by n0q - 6
V11 Compatibility
#273 opened by apoapostolov - 4
dragRulerStart() broken under v11.297
#270 opened by n0q - 6
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Error flags.dragruler doesn't exist
#269 opened by eheliot2 - 0
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Warhammer 4ed
#267 opened by Ryach - 1
Support for the 3.5e rules.
#271 opened by Oryan77 - 2
Remove/Reduce Squeeze Control
#264 opened by tjlanza