We have an API at the address https://ikp-mobile-challenge-backend.up.railway.app/
, which exposes a store list
resource as well as a checkin one. Your job is to develop an app that
offers a complete checkin experience to the worker.
Feel free to create an experience that feels the most pleasant to the worker.
The final user must be able to:
- View the store list;
- View all the tasks of a given store;
- Perform a checkin in a store/task.
- Use (preferentialy) react native for your application, avoiding Expo APIs usage;
- Use a state management solution if you need to;
- Try to use the most up to date Javascript features (ES6+);
- Write unit tests and any other tests you find helpful or important to have;
- Keep performance and corner cases in mind;
- Be creative and show us what you`ve got.
The API has two endpoints:
- returns a list of stores with it`s tasks.- POST
- reset state to initial values in stores. (It is recommended to generate a local or cache status to maintain the stores scheme, the values of the online stores may be affected by other participants.)
- performs a checkin in a store/task.Parameters:
- NumbertaskId
- Number
- Animations are welcome! 🤩 (Reanimated, SKIA, Lottie, etc)
- Show stores in some map view
- Calculate distance based on your actual location, to see which store is closest to me.
- Scripts for generate .ipa or .aab with fastlane or other tools.
- Don't fork this project. Create a new repository in your account and send us the URL;
- Create a README file with the instructions to run the project and the tests. Also add any comment that you think is relevant.
- Readability
- Maintenance
- Testability
- Libs usage (Feel free!)
Thanks and good luck! 🍀