This docker infrastructue contains 6 containers:
- The reference EWP connecor (in local-ewp)
- A database for the local EWP connector (db)
- A second reference EWP connecor (in testl-ewp)
- A database for the second connector (db1)
- The EWP registry (in local-registry)
- A proxy to connect to the network from a browser (proxy)
Your browser should be configured to trust the (sefl-signed) certificates in:
- local-ewp/ewp-data/keys/local-ewp.pem
- test-ewp/ewp-data/keys/test-ewp.pem
- local-registry/keys/cert.pem
This can be run with the following commands:
$ ./
$ ./
$ docker-compose up -d
You should configure your browser to use localhost:1328
as HTTP/S proxy.
Connect to
to see the manifest in the first EWP connector.
Connect to
to see the GUI of the first EWP connector.
Connect to
to see the GUI of the second EWP connector.
Connect to
to see the main page of the registry service.
The password of the certificates and cryptography repositories is changeit
The MySQL database of the first connector is accessible at localhost:3306
, the one for the second connector is accesible at localhost:3307
. The database is called ewp
, the user is ewpuser
and the password is ewppassword