Multi Steps Form Component for Bootstrap

Easily create a multi-step form for bootstrap.

  • Bootstrap like sintaxis component
  • No Js configuration required
  • Installation with CDN



Before include multi-steps-form you should install Bootstrap in your project.


Simply include CDN file in your project. Put the CSS file inside <head> tag and the Js file in the bottom of your <body> tag.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script src=''></script>


<div class="multi-steps-form faded">
    <div class="step fade active show" id="step1">
        <button class="step-link" data-bs-target="#step2">Next</button>
    <div class="step fade" id="step2">
        <button class="step-link" data-bs-target="#step1">Back</button>

Create a main <div> tag with class multi-steps-form. The class faded is optional, this one enable the fade effect when you move through the steps.

Inside the multi-steps-form tag create a <div> tag with class step for step, add a ID for each steep.

For change between steps creat a tag with class step-link and add the attribute data-bs-target="[step_id]".

You can also move between steps using Javascript.

const multiStepForm = new MultiStepForm("#form-container");

document.getElementById("buttonId").addEventListener("click", () => {


Suggestions and pull requests are welcomed!