
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Search Middleware for Swift

A middleware provider for Swift that gives Swift the ability to send metadata events to a queue system (rabbitmq initially) for further analysis. In the context of this middleware the queue messages are use to forward them to a search engine (elasticsearch for an initial PoC).


  • swift post metadata
    • swift search middleware hit
      • msg push to rabbitmq with object metadata
        • logstash monitoring / pulling for msgs in search queue
          • logstash forward payload to EL
            • Elastic search index the document


 $ sudo python setup.py install

Enable Middleware for Swift

  # / etc/swift/proxy-server.conf

    pipeline = catch_errors cache tempauth *searchmiddleware* proxy-server

  # And add a searchmiddleware filter section

    use = egg:searchswift#searchmiddleware
    amqp_connection = amqp://guest:guest@localhost/
    # amqp_exchange = swiftsearch  # (optional) exchange name for messaging
    # amqp_exchange_type = direct  # (optional) type of exchange to create in rabbitmq
    # amqp_exchange_durable = True # (optional) true or false

then restart swift proxy service

Trying it out

  • download and execute elasticsearch in your machine.
# query for all documents. should be empty initially
$ curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/_search?pretty" 
# upload a file to swift. Local LICENSE file to yp container
$ swift upload yp LICENSE 
# set some metadata for the uploaded object
$ swift post yp LICENSE --meta k1:v1 --meta k2:v2 --meta last_name:correa
- check rabbitmq exchanges and queues definitions. Should have a swiftsearch exchange with a search queue and at least one message in the queue with something like:

  • download logstash to act as a forwarder from rmq to el
# run logstash to collect input msgs from rmq and send to EL and stdout (for debug)
$ bin/logstash -e 'input { rabbitmq { host => "" queue => search durable => true } } output { elasticsearch { host => localhost index => swift document_id => "%{id}" document_type => object } stdout { } }'
# try again getting the list of documents in EL. should have at least one indexed doc now.
$ curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/_search?pretty" # query for all documents. 


  • configurable headers list for capture
  • message timeout ?
  • endpoint to forward search to the selected and configurable search engine
  • elasticsearch push back to object metadata to flag it as Indexed
  • async check of not indexed files
  • tests ?

Development Status

This software is still in planning / playaround stage, many things could and will change.