
Laravel 9 Blogging Platform task

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Web Blog App

Laravel Web Blog sample App.


  • Laravel 9, PHP 8, Tailwindcss
  • Authentication
  • Creating/Viewing Blogs
  • Set up user roles and permissions
  • Schedular to queue jobs to create Post API data
  • Github Actions CI - automated tests
  • Used Docker to split the different services; webserver, schedular serice and queue service to different containers
  • The queues are saved in redis
  • Added unit tests for the posts and schedular

Set up

composer install

php artisan key:generate

cp .env.example .env Then add necessary env vars; DB, Mail etc



npm install

npm run dev build tailwindcss assets

php artisan migrate --seed The seeder sets up user roles, permissions and super Admin

Local Development

This assumes you have required environment for Laravel development

npm run watch to watch assets changes

php artisan serve

Logging In

Create an account/Login to create blog posts

You can get super Admin credentials in config/settings.php

The News API imports

The External news API data is imported after every 1 minutes. In ideal production development, this should be 3,4 hours as described in order to have the latest news.

The news are queued and run trhough a schedular.

To run the scheduler locally;

php artisan schedule:work

Then, run the queues; don't stop the schedular command yet;

php artisan queue:work or php artisan queue:listen

For more on auto scalling this, look at the next Docker section.

Running Tests

Tests are also automated in Github through Github Actions

php artisan run test


In case you don't have local set up

Set up

  • Make sure you have docker installed
  • Assumes you have your .env file - in case you're using automated CD/CD - you can add step to create .env from .env.example and adding values,
  • Take NOTE of DB_HOST value and the redis values below

database env vars; update the .env values as;



Start docker

docker-compose up -d

Migrations(in Dockerfile) and Seeders(mandatory to set up roles)

run migrations(optional)

docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate

seed data to set up roles and super Admin

docker-compose exec app php artisan db:seed

NOTE: The start.sh file takes care of schedulers and queued jobs that auto imports the Eternal Posts from API.

Ideally, the 60s interval is for demo purposes, in normal running of the App, 2 or 3 hrs interval makes much sense.


The schedular and the queues are all run on different docker containers, all different from the main web server. With this, the workloads are split into different containers and can be scalled independently.

We can achieve multiple containers running the queues, the schedular, and the web server.

Distributing the load to the different instances can be managed by a load balancer

More docker commands

You can also run more commands via

docker-compose exec app [command here]

access you app via link;

http:your_ip:8000 or localhost:8000

[Extra] - to force create images

docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --no-deps --build

Make sure to php artisan config:clear before fall back to using localhost

What I would have done extra/better given more time

  • Better UI and tweaks; infinite scroll instead of pagination, more interactivity with Alpine JS, Livewire
  • Handle catching blog data with Workbox; stale while revalidate approach and add click to view new posts on new data load
  • Add push notifications to notify new posts
  • Increase test coverage for the code


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.