
My assignments for the Stanford Algorithms Specialization

Primary LanguagePython

Algorithms Specialization

My assignments for the Stanford Algorithms Specialization.

01 Karatsuba Multiplication

Multiplies two integers using the Karatsuba Multiplication algorithm.

$ python3 ./karatsuba/solution.py <integer 1> <integer 2>

02 Inversions count

Given an arrays of integer, counts the number of inversions there are in the list. An inversion occurs when an integer is placed outside the ascending order in the list. For example the array [1, 2, 3] has not inversions but [1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6] has 3: (3, 2), (5, 2) and (5, 4).

$ python3 ./inversions-count/solution.py
# It will use the file sample-input.txt as input

03 Quick sort

Given an arrays of integer, counts the number of comparisons the algorithm has to do in order to sort the list. It uses 3 strategies to select the pivot in the quick sort splitting routine:

  • Using the first element
  • Using the last element
  • Using the median element among the first, last and the middle elements
$ python3 ./quick-sort/solution.py
# It will use the file sample-input.txt as input

04 Min Cuts

Given a undirected graph, counts them minimum number of cuts using the Kramer's algorithm.

$ python3 ./min-cuts/solution.py
# It will use the file sample-input.txt as input

05 Strongly Connected Components

Given a directed graph, find all the strongly connected components and print the largest 5 of them.

$ python3 ./strongly-connected-components/solution.py
# It will use the file sample-input.txt as input

06 Dijkstra's Shortest Path

Calculates the shortest distances from a source node to all other nodes in a graph using the (Dijkstra's algorithm)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm].

$ python3 ./dijkstras-shortest-path/solution.py
# It will use the file input.txt as input

07 Medians using heaps

Calculates the sum of medians in a numbers list, using the Heap data structure.

$ python3 ./median-heaps/solution.py
# It will use the file input.txt as input

08 2-Sum problem

Given a range T and a set U of integers, counts how many values in T can be calculated with the sum of 2 different integers x and y present in the set U.

$ python3 ./two-sum/solution.py
# It will use the file input.txt as input

09 Greedy algorithms

Given a list of jobs to be processed, each one with a weight and length defined. Prioritize the jobs using 2 different greedy algorithms and report their respective total completion times.

$ python3 ./greedy-algorithms/solution.py
# It will use the file input.txt as input

10 Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree

Given an undirected graph with a cost assigned on each edge. Calculates the total cost of the minimum spanning tree (MST) using Prim's algorithm.

$ python3 ./prims-min-spanning-tree/solution.py
# It will use the file input.txt as input

11 Max Spacing K-Clustering

Find the max spacing distance after grouping a list of nodes in k clusters using Kruskal's algorithm.

$ python3 ./k-clustering/max-spacing/solution.py
# It will use the file max-spacing/input.txt as input

12 Largest K in K-Clustering

Find the largest number of K clusters required to group a list of nodes with a spacing of at least 3. Nodes are represented using a 24 bits label and the distance between them is calculated using the Hamming distance.

$ python3 ./k-clustering/max-k/solution.py
# It will use the file max-k/input.txt as input

13 Huffman Coding

Given an alphabet of symbols and their frequencies, encode them using the Huffman coding algorithm and determine the minimum and the maximum lengths of the codewords.

$ python3 ./huffman-coding/solution.py
# It will use the file input.txt as input

14 Maximum-Weight independent Set of a Path Graph

Given a list of nodes that form a path graph, find the set of independent nodes (ie. they are not adjacent) that sum the maximum possible weight.

$ python3 ./max-weight-set-in-path-graph/solution.py
# It will use the file input.txt as input

15 Knapsack Problem

Given a size of a "knapsack" and list of items, each one with a specific value and weight. Find the set of items, that fit in the knapsack and sum the maximum value possible. This problem uses to approaches, an iterative approach for small and medium size inputs, and a recursive approach for large inputs.

$ python3 ./knapsack/solution.py
# It will use the files input-min.txt, input.txt, input-big.txt as inputs

16 All-pairs shortest paths

Given 3 graphs, each one composed by edges with a given cost (might be negative and may form negative-cost cycles), find ths shortest path length among all possible path combinations and in the 3 graphs.

The solution is based in Johnson's algorithm, but since the shortest path must have a negative value there's no need to run the full algorithm (Dijkstra's), just calculate the vertex weights using Bellman-Ford's and return the minimum weight.

$ python3 ./all-pairs-shortest-path/solution.py
# It will use the files g0.txt, g1.txt, g2.txt, g3.txt and large.txt as inputs

17 Traveling Salesman Problem (Optimal solution)

Given a list of cities coordinates, calculate the length of the shortest path visiting all of the cities exactly once and retuning back to the first one; that is the famous Traveling Salesman Problem or TSP.

The problem here requires an optimal solution (ie. the best solution overall possible), which makes it a NP-Complete problem, requiring a non polynomial solution; in this case a O(n^2 * 2^2) algorithm using a dynamic programming approach.

$ python3 ./traveling-salesman-problem/optimal/solution.py
# It will use the file input.txt as input

18 Traveling Salesman Problem (Heuristic solution)

Given a much larger data set for the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) find a heuristic solution (ie. not the best one, but a good-enough solution) using the "nearest neighbor" approach: start from the first city, go to the nearest one which is not visited yet and repeat until visiting all of the cities. This solution is not the optimal but runs much faster: in O(n^2) time.

$ python3 ./traveling-salesman-problem/heuristic/solution.py
# It will use the file input.txt as input

19 2SAT Problem

Given some instances of the 2-satisfiability problem, determine if them have a satisfiable solution using a Strongly Connected Components approach.

$ python3 ./2sat/solution.py
# It will use the files 2sat1.txt, 2sat2.txt, ..., 2sat6.txt as inputs