
A command line interface for while_parser library

Primary LanguageElixir

While Parser CLI

This is a command line interface for the while_parser library, written in Elixir.

It can be built an installed as an escript, which is a standalone executable that requires the Erlang Runtime System to be installed.

Usage: while_parser_cli INPUT_FILE [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-p].

    File containing the input source code in While (use '-' for standard input)

    Pretty-print JSON before output

    Return the CFG of the main statement in the program

--output [OUTPUT_FILE]
    Output file name. If defaults to standard output if not given.


It has been tested with Elixir 1.9.1, although it might work with earlier versions.

# git clone https://github.com/manuelmontenegro/while_parser_cli.git
# cd while_parser_cli
# mix escript.build

The commands above would generate an executable while_parser_cli. You can remove debug information by replacing the last line with the escript.build command with the following:

# MIX_ENV=prod mix escript.build

In order to install it, type the following:

# MIX_ENV=prod mix escript.install

This will install the executable in the $HOME/.mix/escripts directory, which should be included in the PATH environment variable.