
Dependency injection and working with instances made easier

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage

A set of tools which will make easier to work with objects instead of classes and injecting dependencies.


Allows defining objects ad-hoc passing an initialization block.

homer = Inline.new 'Homer Simpson' do
  def talk

  def sleep
# => < Homer Simpson / Inline : talk, sleep >

# => 'Doh!'


Makes easier and nicer to assign values and inject dependencies to objects. The key feature is the ability to assign lambdas as way to resolve the value:

class UsersRepository
  include Injectable
  attr_injectable :store

users_repo = UsersRepository.new

# Regular assignment:
users_repo.store = Redis.new

# Lambda assignment: The given block will be
# evaluated each time you call users_repo.store
users_repo.store{ app.stores.redis }

# Mass assignent
users_repo.attributes = store: Redis.new

# Default blocks: Will also be executed each time
class UsersRepository
  include Injectable
  attr_injectable(:store) { Redis.new }


Provides an inspect and to_s which focus on methods:

class Application
  include RemarkableInspect

  def config; end
  def config=; end
  def stores; end
# => Application( config/=, stores )

# => < Application : config/=, stores >


A proxy that will lazy evaluate the proxied object. Useful when an object expect an dependency but we want to instantiate it only on demand:

users_repository.store = Lazy.new { Redis.new }

This way Redis.new will only be executed when users_repository.store it is called for the first time.

It also allows defining build callbacks:

users_repository.store = Lazy.new { Redis.new }
users_repository.build_step(:clear) { |redis| redis.flushdb }


A proxy that will always evaluate the given block. Useful when an object expect an dependency but we want it to be resolved on demand:

users_repository.store = Lazy.new{ app.stores.redis }

In the example, if app.stores.redis, the repository will inmediately see the new store.


An enumerable of objects that makes it easy to create custom collections. It allows to find items by a custom key, similar to a Hash. When iterating through the items it only passes just the object, not the keys. Allows to define a build proc, so you can add new items with the add_new method. Plays well with ForwardingDsl::Getsetter:

require 'forwarding_dsl'
require 'mini_object'

class User
  include ForwardingDsl::Getsetter
  getsetter :name
  getsetter :surname

users = MiniObject::IndexedList.new.tap do |l|
  l.key {|user| user.name }
  l.build { User.new }

users.add_new do
  name 'John'
  surname 'Smith'

users['John'] # => #<User:0x007fd91e05deb8 @name="John", @surname="Smith">

users.each {|user| puts "#{user.name} #{user.surname}" }
# => John Smith


Do not forget to run the tests with:

bundle exec rake

And bump the version with any of:

$ gem bump --version 1.1.1       # Bump the gem version to the given version number
$ gem bump --version major       # Bump the gem version to the next major level (e.g. 0.0.1 to 1.0.0)
$ gem bump --version minor       # Bump the gem version to the next minor level (e.g. 0.0.1 to 0.1.0)
$ gem bump --version patch       # Bump the gem version to the next patch level (e.g. 0.0.1 to 0.0.2)


Released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.