
python wrapper written in boost::python for the cvblob companion library to OpenCV

Primary LanguagePython

#python-cvblob ##Python Wrapper for the cvblob extension to OpenCV

###2011 Nathan Oostendorp, Ingenuitas Inc. http://ingenuitas.com

This wrapper provides cvBlob's functionality wrappered in a style similar to the native OpenCV python bindings. The function calls are as close as possible to the C++ functions so that you can use the C++ docs/example code.

Conventions are similar to the OpenCV 2.2 python interface, in brief:

  • functions: cvFUNCTIONNAME to FUNCTIONAME eg cvRenderBlob -> cvblob.RenderBlob
  • data structures: CvDATATYPE to DATATYPE eg cvTrack -> cvblob.Track
  • color triples and coordinates are expressed as tuples
  • vectors/arrays/lists expressed as python lists
  • maps are expressed as python dicts

For examples, look at the test python code.

###Brief install instructions (for OpenCV 2.2, cvBlob 0.10.3, Python 2.6, Boost Python 1.42 under Ubuntu 10.10):

####Step 1: install some prerequisite libraries:

apt-get install build-essential swig gfortran cmake gcc pkg-config libjpeg62-dev libtiff4-dev\
libpng12-dev libopenexr-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev liblapack-dev python-dev\
python-setuptools boost-build libboost-all-dev

####Step 2: Download most recent versions of NumPy, OpenCV, and cvBlob

####Step 3: Make NumPy, OpenCV, and cvBlob


python setup.py build --fcompiler=gnu95
python setup.py install
python -c 'import numpy; numpy.test()'


mkdir BUILD
make install
python -c ‘import cv;’


make install
cd test

#####cvblob-python (from your cvblob directory):

cd cvblob-VERSION/contrib
git clone git://github.com/oostendo/cvblob-python.git python 
cd python/cvblob
./build.sh (you may need to edit if you have a different python than 2.6)
cd ..
python test.py
cp cvblob /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages (or wherever)

###License This is offered under the GNU lesser GPL, the same license as cvblob http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html


  • finish tracking and contour wrappers
  • wrapper cvRelease* functions
  • add cmake or .egg setup ability
  • revamp tests as nose tests

###Acknowledgements Thanks to Willowgarage for OpenCV, Cristobal Carnero Linan for cvblob, Dave Abrhams for Boost Python, and et al.