ETH/MATIC (EVM) Airdrop Smart contract and Server to generate Holder's list and Airdrop them ETH/Matic to their wallets.
Generate Complete list of unique NFT holders of a collection on EVM based Chains. (Endpoint: JSON output.
Generate Complete list of amount of NFTs held by holders of a collection. (Sorted according to the holders list) (Endpoint: JSON output.
**addHolders(address[], amounts[]) ** => Admin can add NFT Holders to the smart contract using this function limit is 250.
airDropAmounts() => Admin/Chainlink automation can use this function to airdrop tokens(ETH/MATIC) availavble in Smart Contract to list of addresses according to no. of NFTs they hold. Equally.
*** airDrop(address[])*** => Admin/Chainlink automation can use this function to airdrop tokens(ETH/MATIC) available in Smart Contract to list of addresses provided in the function equally.
Table of Contents
Go to /index.js
On line no# 20-23
const MORALIS_API_KEY = "Enter your Moralis API Key"
const address = "Enter Contract Address of Your Collection"
const chain = EvmChain.{Enter Chain i.e POLYGON, MUMBAI. etc}
const total = {Enter Total no. of NFTs in collection i.e 5000};
Setup Google storage and create a bucket named "hwmc"
& yarn start
Go to Remix IDE
1- Copy the contarct from /airdropnew.sol
2- Connect your Metamask wallet and select desired network.
3- Deploy.
In Remix IDE activate the Flattner plugin and flatten the Contract. Headover to the blockchain explorer i.e. etc and Verify according to the parameters you deployed.
Go to Chain Link Automation App. (
1- Connect Wallet & Register a new Upkeep.
2- Select Time based
& enter the deployed Contarct address.
3- In Contract Call select airDropAmounts()
4- In Cron expresson write the time logic according to your requriements.