
ETH/MATIC (EVM) Airdrop Smart contract and Server to generate Holder's list and Airdrop them ETH/Matic to their wallets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ETH/MATIC (EVM) Airdrop Smart contract and Server to generate Holder's list and Airdrop them ETH/Matic to their wallets.



Smart Contract:

  • **addHolders(address[], amounts[]) ** => Admin can add NFT Holders to the smart contract using this function limit is 250.

  • airDropAmounts() => Admin/Chainlink automation can use this function to airdrop tokens(ETH/MATIC) availavble in Smart Contract to list of addresses according to no. of NFTs they hold. Equally.

  • *** airDrop(address[])*** => Admin/Chainlink automation can use this function to airdrop tokens(ETH/MATIC) available in Smart Contract to list of addresses provided in the function equally.

Table of Contents


Setup Server:

1- Edit Variables

Go to /index.js

On line no# 20-23

const MORALIS_API_KEY = "Enter your Moralis API Key"
const address = "Enter Contract Address of Your Collection"
const chain = EvmChain.{Enter Chain i.e POLYGON, MUMBAI. etc}
const total = {Enter Total no. of NFTs in collection i.e 5000};

2- Create Google storage bucket

Setup Google storage and create a bucket named "hwmc"

3- Install dependencies

yarn & yarn start

Setup Smart Contract:

1- Deploy

Go to Remix IDE (https://remix.ethereum.org/).

1- Copy the contarct from /airdropnew.sol

2- Connect your Metamask wallet and select desired network.

3- Deploy.

2- Verify Smart Contract

In Remix IDE activate the Flattner plugin and flatten the Contract. Headover to the blockchain explorer i.e. mumbai.polygonscan.org etc and Verify according to the parameters you deployed.

3- Chainlink Automation

Go to Chain Link Automation App. (https://automation.chain.link/)

1- Connect Wallet & Register a new Upkeep.

2- Select Time based & enter the deployed Contarct address.

3- In Contract Call select airDropAmounts()

4- In Cron expresson write the time logic according to your requriements.

Example: https://crontab.guru/