
Deployer based deployment for TYPO3 with media and database synchronisation.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


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What does it do?

This package provides deploy task for deploying TYPO3 CMS with deployer (deployer.org).

This "deploy" task depends on:

Additionally this package depends on two more packages that are not used directly for deploy but are useful for database and media synchronization:


  1. Install package with composer:

    composer require sourcebroker/deployer-extended-typo3

    Note! Generally its not advisable to install deployer globally because each of your project can use different version of deployer so the best is to have version of deployer dependent on project.

    Its also not advisable to install deployer as direct dependency of your project as it can interfere dependencies of your project.

    The best is to install phar binary of deployer using composer - with deployer/dist package.

    This is why deployer-extended-typo3 depends on deployer/dist. This package will install deployer phar and symlink it in ./vendor/bin/dep. You should use ./vendor/bin/dep binary to run deployer.

    Its advisable that you put alias dep="php ./vendor/bin/dep" in your ~/.profile to be able to run deployer with regular dep command. Otherwise you will need to run deployer like this ./vendor/bin/dep deploy live

  2. Put following lines on the beginning of your deploy.php:

    require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-loader/autoload.php');
    new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedTypo3\Loader();
  3. Remove task "deploy" from your deploy.php. Otherwise you will overwrite deploy task defined in vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-extended-typo3/deployer/default/deploy/task/deploy.php. Look at Example of working configuration to see how simple can be working deploy.php file.

  4. On each instance create .env file which should be out of git and have at least INSTANCE with the same name as defined for host() in deploy.php file. You can use this file also to store database credentials and all other settings that are different per instance. Because deployer-extended-typo3 use helhum/dotenv-connector the values form .env file will be available in TYPO3 and you can use them for example in typo3onf/AdditionalConfiguration.php to set up database connections. This way you can have typo3onf/LocalConfiguration.php in git. Example for .env file:


    If you use composer installation with public/ folder (default) you need to set in your deploy.php:

    set('web_path', 'public/');

    If you want to update language files on each deploy add task typo3cms:language:update before deploy_symlink.

    before('deploy_symlink', 'typo3cms:language:update');

    If you want that Deployer get database data from TYPO3 directly instead of reading from .env file then set:

    set('driver_typo3cms', true);



dep deploy [host or stage]

Shared dirs

For TYPO3 11 the shared dirs are:

set('shared_dirs', function () {
    return [
        get('web_path') . 'fileadmin',
        get('web_path') . 'uploads',
        get('web_path') . 'typo3temp/assets/_processed_',
        get('web_path') . 'typo3temp/assets/images',
        !empty(get('web_path')) ? 'var/log' : 'typo3temp/var/log',
        !empty(get('web_path')) ? 'var/transient' : 'typo3temp/var/transient',

Shared files

The shared file for TYPO3 11 is:

set('shared_files', ['.env']);


You can set proper version of composer with composer_channel (values: 1, 2, stable, prelive, snapshot) or with composer_version which takes exact tags as arguments (https://github.com/composer/composer/tags). For stability and security its advised that you set composer_channel with value 1 or 2 so it will be automatically updated but will not install any new major version in future so your deploy will remain fairly stable.

set('composer_channel', 2);

Synchronizing database

Database synchronization is done with sourcebroker/deployer-extended-database.

The command for synchronizing database from live database to local instance is:

dep db:pull live

If you are logged to ssh of beta instance you can also run dep media:pull live to get database from live to beta. But you can also synchronise live to beta from you local instance with following command:

dep db:copy live --options=target:beta

Synchronizing media

Media synchronization is done with sourcebroker/deployer-extended-media. Folders which are synchronized are fileadmin (except fileadmin/_proccessed_) and uploads.

The command for synchronizing media from live to local instance:

dep media:pull live

If you are logged to ssh of beta instance you can also run dep media:pull live to get media from live to beta. But you can also synchronise live to beta from you local instance with following command:

dep media:copy live --options=target:beta

If the instances are on the same host you can use symlink for each file (equivalent of cp -rs source destination). This way you can save space for media on staging instances with no risk that they will be accidentally deleted!

dep media:link live --options=target:beta

Example of working configuration

This is example of working configuration for TYPO3 11. The aim of sourcebroker/deployer-extended-typo3 is to have very slim deploy.php file in order to have nice possibility to upgrade to future versions of sourcebroker/deployer-extended-typo3.


namespace Deployer;

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/sourcebroker/deployer-loader/autoload.php');
new \SourceBroker\DeployerExtendedTypo3\Loader();

set('repository', 'git@github.com:sourcebrokergit/t3base11.git');
set('bin/php', '/home/www/t3base11-public/.bin/php');
set('web_path', 'public/');
set('composer_channel', 2);

    ->set('branch', 'master')
    ->set('public_urls', ['https://live-t3base11.example.com'])
    ->set('deploy_path', '/home/www/t3base11-public/live');

    ->set('branch', 'master')
    ->set('public_urls', ['https://beta-t3base11.example.com'])
    ->set('deploy_path', '/home/www/t3base11-public/beta');

    ->set('deploy_path', getcwd())
    ->set('public_urls', ['https://t3base11.ddev.site']);


See https://github.com/sourcebroker/deployer-extended-typo3/blob/master/CHANGELOG.rst