
Simplified Go project management, dependency management, and vendoring.

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

Glide: Managing Go Workspaces With Ease

Never vendor again. Glide is a tool for managing Go package dependencies and Go workspaces. Subscribing to the view that each project should have its own GOPATH, Glide provides tools for versioning Go libraries and managing the environment in which your normal Go tools run.

Build Status


  • Manage project-specific GOPATHs
  • Ease dependency management
  • Support versioning packages
  • Support aliasing packages (e.g. for working with github forks)
  • Remove the need for "vendoring" or munging import statements
  • Work with all of the go tools
  • Support the VCS tools that Go supports:
    • git
    • bzr
    • hg
    • svn
  • Support custom local and global plugins (see docs/plugins.md)
  • Support building packages by OS and architecture

How It Works

Glide is an opinionated tool for managing Go workspaces. Glide associates a GOPATH to a particular workspace with its own particular dependencies. And it assumes that each project has its main source code and also some number of dependent packages.

Projects are structured like this:

- myProject (Your project)
  |-- glide.yaml
  |-- main.go (Your main go code can live here)
  |-- mySubpackage (You can create your own subpackages, too)
  |    |
  |    |-- foo.go
  |-- _vendor (This is $GOPATH)
       |-- bin
       |-- src
            |-- github.com
                  |-- Masterminds
                       |-- ... etc.

Through some trickery, the GOPATH is set to _vendor, but the go tools will still find main.go and subpackages. Make sure, though, that you set the name of your package in glide.yaml.

Take a look at the Glide source code to see this philosophy in action.


On Mac OS X you can install the latest release via Homebrew:

$ brew install glide

Binary packages are available for Mac and Linux.

To build from source you can:

  1. Clone this repository and change directory into it
  2. Run make bootstrap

This will leave you with ./glide, which you can put in your $PATH if you'd like. (You can also take a look at make install to install for you.)

The Glide repo has now been configured to use glide to manage itself, too.


$ glide create    # Start a new workspaces
$ glide in        # Switch into the workspace
$ open glide.yaml # and edit away!
$ glide install   # Install packages and dependencies
# work, work, work
$ go build        # Go tools work normally
$ glide update    # Update to newest versions of the package
$ exit            # Exit the glide session (started with glide in)

Check out the glide.yaml in this directory, or examples in the docs/ directory.

glide create

Initialize a new workspace. Among other things, this creates a stub glide.yaml

$ glide create
[INFO] Your new GOPATH is /Users/mbutcher/Code/glide/docs/_vendor. Run 'glide gopath' to see it again.
[INFO] Initialized. You can now edit 'glide.yaml'

If you set your GOPATH in your shell's profile or RC scripts, you may need to tweak those settings. See the Troubleshooting section below.

glide in

Configure an interactive shell for working in a project. This configures the GOPATH and so on.

$ glide in
>> You are now gliding into a new shell. To exit, type 'exit'
$ echo $GOPATH
$ exit
>> Exited glide shell

For ease of use, there's a special variant of glide in called glide into:

glide into /foo/bar

The above will change directories into /foo/bar, make sure it's a Go workspace, and then launch a new Glide shell.

If you set your GOPATH in your shell's profile or RC scripts, you may need to tweak those settings. See the Troubleshooting section below.

glide install

Download all of the libraries listed in the glide.yaml file and put them where they should go.

$ glide install

glide update

Update all of the existing repositories. If a new new repository has been added to the YAML file, try to download that, too.

This will look through all of the dependencies in the glide.yaml. If they are present in _vendor, it will check for new versions (using go get -u or the appropriate VCS). If the dependency is new, it will fetch and install for the first time.

$ glide update
[INFO] Updating github.com/kylelemons/go-gypsy/yaml with 'go get -u'
[INFO] Updating github.com/Masterminds/cookoo with Git (From git@github.com:Masterminds/cookoo.git)
Fetching origin
[INFO] Updating github.com/aokoli/goutils with 'go get -u'
[INFO] Updating github.com/crowdmob/goamz with Git (From git@github.com:technosophos/goamz.git)
Fetching origin
[INFO] Set version to github.com/Masterminds/cookoo to master
[INFO] Looks like /Users/mbutcher/Code/glide/_vendor/src/github.com/aokoli/goutils is a Git repo.
[INFO] Set version to github.com/aokoli/goutils to the latest
[INFO] Set version to github.com/crowdmob/goamz to the latest

glide rebuild

Re-run go install on the packages in the glide.yaml file. This (along with glide install and glide update) pays special attention to the contents of the subpackages: directive in the YAML file.

$ glide rebuild
[INFO] Building dependencies.
[INFO] Running go build github.com/kylelemons/go-gypsy/yaml
[INFO] Running go build github.com/Masterminds/cookoo/cli
[INFO] Running go build github.com/Masterminds/cookoo

glide gopath

Emit the GOPATH to this project. Useful for things like GOPATH=$(glide gopath).

$ glide gopath

glide help

Print the glide help.

$ glide help

glide version

Print the version and exit.

$ glide version


The glide.yaml file does two critical things:

  1. It names the current package
  2. It declares external dependencies

A brief glide.yaml file looks like this:

package: github.com/technosophos/glide
  - package: github.com/kylelemons/go-gypsy
  - package: github.com/Masterminds/cookoo
    vcs: git
    ref: master
    repo: git@github.com:Masterminds/cookoo.git

The above tells glide that...

  1. This package is named github.com/technosophos/glide
  2. That this package depends on two libraries.

The first library exemplifies a minimal package import. It merely gives the fully qualified import path. Glide will use go get to initially fetch it.

The second library forgoes go get and uses git directly. When Glide reads this definition, it will get the repo from the source in repo and then checkout the master branch, and put it in github.com/Masterminds/cookoo in the GOPATH. (Note that package and repo can be completely different)

TIP: In general, you are advised to use the base package name for importing a package, not a subpackage name. For example, use github.com/kylelemons/go-gypsy and not github.com/kylelemons/go-gypsy/yaml.

Controlling package and subpackage builds

In addition to fetching packages, Glide builds the packages with go install. The YAML file can give special instructions about how to build a package. Example:

package: github.com/technosophos/glide
  - package: github.com/kylelemons/go-gypsy
    subpackage: yaml
  - package: github.com/Masterminds/cookoo
      - .
      - cli
      - web
  - package: github.com/crowdmob/amz
    subpackage: ...

According to the above, the following packages will be built:

  1. The go-gypsy/yaml package
  2. The cookoo package (.), along with cookoo/web and cookoo/cli
  3. Everything in awz (...)

See the docs/ folder for more examples.

Displaying glide environment indicator in bash

To display an indicator in a custom Bash prompt whenever you are "in" the glide environment, add the following check to your $PS1 environment variable (likely in .bashrc):

$(if [ "$ALREADY_GLIDING" = "1" ]; then echo " (gliding)"; fi)


export PS1='\u@\h \w$(if [ "$ALREADY_GLIDING" = "1" ]; then echo " (gliding)"; fi) \n$ '


user@hostname ~/your/go/project
$ glide in
>> You are now gliding into a new shell. To exit, type 'exit'
user@hostname ~/your/go/project (gliding)

Supported Version Control Systems

Anything supported by go get works out of the box. By default, we use 'go get' to fetch and install dependencies. However, if you use repository or ref statements in your glide.yaml file, the native client will be used directly.

Support for these is a little harder, and requires some expertise in each system.

Fully supported:

  • git

Supported, but not tested well:

  • bzr: All operations supported, but maybe not ideally.
  • hg: All operations supported, but maybe not ideally.
  • svn: Checkout and update are supported. Checkout by branch or tag is done by setting the repository URL appropriately. Checkout by ref supports revision numbers and symbolic references.

See docs/vcs.md for more info.


Q: When I glide in a project, my $GOPATH goes to the default. Why?

If you're shell's startup (.profile, .bashrc, .zshrc) sets a default $GOPATH, this will override the GOPATH that glide sets. The simple work-around is to use this in your profile:

if [ "" = "${GOPATH}" ]; then
  export GOPATH="/some/dir"

This will only set a GOPATH if one does not exist. Alternately, if you want to set the GOPATH when you're not using glide in or glide into try the following:

if [ "" = "${ALREADY_GLIDING}" ]; then
  export GOPATH="/some/dir"

Q: bzr (or hg) is not working the way I expected. Why?

These are works in progress, and may need some additional tuning. Please take a look at cmd/bzr.go and cmd/hg.go to see what we do. If you can make it better, please submit a patch.

Q: When I 'glide in', I want to do something cooler than what you do. How?

You can use incmd: some custom command in your glide.yaml file. Example:

incmd: bash -l

With the above, running glide in will start a new Bash shell simulating a login environment.

Q: I don't want to use 'glide in'. How do I set my GOPATH?

You may explicitly set the GOPATH like this:

export GOPATH=$(glide gopath)

The command glide gopath will emit the correct path to set as GOPATH.

Q: Is using the Glide GOPATH required? Do I have to use _vendor?

No, it is not required, and you do not need to use _vendor. You may choose to use another GOPATH manager, like GVP, or you may simply manage GOPATH on your own.

Q: Should I check _vendor into version control?

That's up to you. It's not necessary, but it may also cause you extra work and lots of extra space in your VCS.

Q: How can I get my _vendor path to work with Sublime Text and GoSublime?

GoSublime uses an application wide GOPATH. If you want a different GOPATH codebase set them up as different projects. Then, in the project settings (your .sublime-project file) add an entry to set the GOPATH. For example:

    "settings": {
        "GoSublime": {
            "env": {
                "GOPATH": "$HOME/path/to/project/_vendor"
            "follow_symlinks": true,
            "path": "."

Once you've done this feature like autocomplete will work.

Q: How do I import settings from GPM or Godep?

Glide can import from GPM's Godeps file format or from Godep's Godeps/Godeps.json file format.

For GPM, use glide import gpm.

For Godep, use glide import godep.

Each of these will merge your existing glide.yaml file with the dependencies it finds for those managers, and then emit the file as output. It will not overwrite your glide.yaml file.

You can write it to file like this:

$ glide import godep > new-glide.yaml

Q: Can Glide fetch a package based on OS or Arch?

A: Yes. Using the os and arch fields on a package, you can speficy which OSes and architectures the package should be fetched for. For example, the following package will only be fetched for 64-bit Darwin/OSX systems:

- package: some/package
    - darwin
    - amd64

The package will not be fetched for other architectures or OSes.


This package is made available under an MIT-style license. See LICENSE.txt.


We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the GPM and GVP projects, which inspired many of the features of this package. If glide isn't the right Go project manager for you, check out those.

The Composer (PHP), npm (JavaScript), and Bundler (Ruby) projects all inspired various aspects of this tool, as well.

The Name

Aside from being catchy, "glide" is a contraction of "Go Elide". The idea is to compress the tasks that normally take us lots of time into a just a few seconds.