
Rust utility to compute total deposits and borrows from https://solend.fi on-chain data.

Primary LanguageRust

Solend Total Value Locked Calculator Demo

Rust rewritten utility to compute total deposits and borrows from on-chain data. Works by fetching obligation for every user and computing a sum of deposits and borrows (obligation properties) for each asset.

Useful as a demo for reading on-chain Solend data.

Run Demo

cargo run

Example output:

Number of users: 92097
Total deposits:
SOL: 275061194411551
FTT: 38254584941
BTC: 442056269
USDC: 22889058124156
SRM: 149691930987
ETH: 7057942032
USDT: 2768283665774
RAY: 325031428873
Total borrows:
SOL: 49594719385258
USDC: 15791074678867
FTT: 3800511105
USDT: 1508131948858
RAY: 256277952020
SRM: 41497749279
ETH: 3718970301
BTC: 81119486