A/B Testing with Cloud Run and Cloud Build

Cloudbuild based solution for performing A/B testing on Cloud Run using traffic splitting (50/50 between last and last but one)

Cloud Build revisions are updated with this procedure:

  • Deploy revision 1: 100% traffic on revision 1

  • Deploy revision 2: 50% traffic on revision 2 and 50% traffic on revision 1

  • Deploy revision N: 50% traffic on revision N and 50% traffic on revision N - 1

Env variables

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

Create AR Repo

gcloud artifacts repositories create $REPO \
	--repository-format=docker \

Call Build for v1

gcloud builds submit ./src \
    --region $REGION \
    --config ./cloudbuild.yaml \

Modify code

Call Build for v2

gcloud builds submit ./src \
    --region $REGION \
    --config ./cloudbuild.yaml \

Notice split traffic from Cloud Build between revision 1 and revision 2

Modify code

Call Build for v3

gcloud builds submit ./src \
    --region $REGION \
    --config ./cloudbuild.yaml \

Notice split traffic from Cloud Build between revision 2 and revision 3

Split traffic between revisions using tags

gcloud run services update-traffic hello-go \
    --region $REGION \

Stable on version 3

gcloud run services update-traffic hello-go \
    --region $REGION \