Perl 6 Introduction

This document is intended to give you a quick overview of the Perl 6 programming language.
For those who are new to Perl 6 it should get you up and running.


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Building the document

The document is written in asciidoc format and generated using asciidoctor and pygments. You will need a current version of ruby, asciidoctor, pygments, and a special gem that provides a pre-release version of asciidoctor-pdf. Install it this way:

$ sudo gem install --pre asciidoctor-pdf

Then run:

$ asciidoctor-pdf perl6intro.adoc

which should produce perl6intro.pdf.


If you wish to translate this document, always use the english version as your starting point. If you are starting a new translation create a new file. For example, the French translation will be in fr.perl6intro.adoc, the Deutsch translation in de.perl6intro.adoc
If you want to modify a translated version, consider modifying the english version first. It is important that all translations be kept in sync.


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All feedback is welcomed:

  • Corrections
  • Suggestions
  • Additions
  • Translations