
Anime-Manga list manager with multiple integrations

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Anime-Manga list manager with multiple integrations.

The aim of this project is to offer an alternative to the discontinued Shinjiru providing integration with different programs like media players, readers, or whatever I can figure out.

The main objective of the project is to learn something about JavaFX while doing something productive.

The goal is to achieve:

  • AniList syncing.
  • Find out titles from your local library and update your list accordingly.
  • Offline first, you shouldn't need internet access to use the app. (Like, you'll need internet access the first time to log in and sync with your local library, but then it's done)
  • Finding torrents for the latest episodes of the series in your library or batches.
  • Launch the episodes and update your progress.
  • Maybe, the social features that AniList has, but for that, you should just use their web client.

For all those non-weebs out there, the name comes from 新 Shin (new) and 信じる Shinjiru (to believe). Since Shinjiru is pretty much dead, this projects aims to be a replacement.