
Google Sheets with Express API for the pj-swps project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Google Sheets Express API

This Express API allows you to fetch data from and post data to Google Sheets.


Before running this API, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js installed on your machine
  • Google Cloud Platform account with the Google Sheets API enabled
  • .env file configured with the required environment variables (PORT, REACT_APP_CLIENT_EMAIL, REACT_APP_PRIVATE_KEY, REACT_APP_GSHEET_SCOPE, REACT_APP_GSHEET_SPREADSHEET_ID)


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install dependencies using npm install.


  1. Start the Express server using npm start.

  2. The server will be listening on port 5000 by default. You can change the port by setting the PORT environment variable.

  3. Use the following endpoints:

    • GET /v4-get: Fetch data from Google Sheets.

      • Query Parameters:
        • spreadSheetName: The name of the Google Sheets spreadsheet.
        • column: Column range to retrieve data from.
        • row: Row range to retrieve data from.
    • POST /v4-post: Post data to Google Sheets.

      • Request Body:
          "spreadSheetName": "Sheet1",
          "column": "A:B",
          "row": "2",
          "submissionValues": [
            ["value1", "value2"],
            ["value3", "value4"]


  • Ensure that the necessary permissions are granted to the service account associated with the JWT client.
  • Handle authentication securely by storing sensitive information such as private keys in environment variables.
  • This API uses CORS to allow cross-origin requests from any domain. Ensure proper security measures are in place.
  • For detailed API documentation, refer to the inline comments in the code.