
Another blazor component library: Grid, Select, Wizard etc.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Package Version Package Version NuGet Downloads

This is another Blazor component libary which supports

  • Grids
  • Wizards
  • Forms
  • Paint


mgrid mselect mwizard

How to use?

Add the following references to your _Host.cshtml

<link href="_content/MComponents/css/fontawesome.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="_content/MComponents/css/mcomponents.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="_content/MComponents/js/mcomponents.js"></script>

If you want to use MPaint add

<script src="_content/Blazor.Extensions.Canvas/blazor.extensions.canvas.js"></script>

Add to Startup.cs:

services.AddMComponents(options =>
    options.RegisterResourceLocalizer = true;
    options.RegisterStringLocalizer = true;

and if you want to use RequestLocalization


Add to App.razor or MainLayout.razor

<MComponentsRoot />

Please create an issue or make Pull requests if you want to support this project

The documentation is pretty limited, because I'm lazy: https://github.com/manureini/MComponents/wiki