
User registration app for ownCloud/Nextcloud

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Build Status


This app allows users to register a new account.


  1. ownCloud
  2. Nextcloud 9+

Supports SQLite, MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL.



  1. Place this app in the apps folder
  2. Enable "Registration" in /settings/apps (Upper left dropdown -> plus sign -> "Disabled")
  3. Make sure you have correctly set up your mail server according to the documentation
  4. Log out, and you should see "Register" under "Other login methods"

Nextcloud AppStore

From your Nextcloud instance, click: your profile to the upper right -> Apps -> Tools (in the left column), find Registration, click Enable


  • Admin can specify which group the newly created users belong
  • Admin can limit the email domains allowed to register
  • Admin will be notified by email for new user creation

Web form registration flow

  1. User enters his/her email
  2. Verification link is sent to the email address
  3. User clicks on the verification link
  4. User is lead to a form where one can choose username and password
  5. New account is created and is logged in automatically

OCS API registration flow

See https://gist.github.com/juliushaertl/5a1d1132e7370b5ad38fbd6da3cae5b8


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Q: A problem occurred sending email, please contact your administrator.

A: your Nextcloud mail configurations or your mail server is incorrectly configured, please refer to the Nextcloud documentation.
