
Dockerize a rails app which uses Puma, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Redis and Nginx

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby On Rails On Docker Demo.

This repo demonstrates the usage of Docker to run a Ruby on Rails app, with Sidekiq, Nginx, Redis


The whole stack is extracted as containers.

Nginx as reverse proxy

The web service uses Nginx to reverse proxy the requests to the application server(puma)

Postgresql as database

The database used in the app is PostgreSQL, and is extracted into postgres container.

Application container

This is a bootstrapped vanilla Rails 5 application using Puma as application server.

Sidekiq for heavy lifting

All the heavy-lifting jobs are handle by the Sidekiq instance as ActiveJob adapter and using Redis.


Redis is used as backend for Sidekiq workers and also as cache store in the Rails app.

Quick Start.

First time setup:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d # Application can be accessed at http://localhost:8080

Some example/useful commands

docker-compose run bin/setup
docker-compose run rails db:create
docker-compose run rails db:migrate
docker-compose run rails assets:precompile
docker-compose run bundle exec rspec


All the environment configuration can be changed in .docker.env file.


There are some room for improvements in the current setup. Dependencies can be isolated to virtual dependencies and can be deleted afterwards. Bundle install and gems can be cached using a volume. Multi environment is overlooked at this stage.