Kapture 2022-10-14 at 08 55 47

Marvel App

Marvel app is a system to register all the mutants criatures so that goverments can have a list of then and call them in bad times.

Run the app

  1. Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:jorgesaavedra97/marvel-app.git

  2. Start your MySQL Service and run this file in your MySQL Server, or optionaly copy and paste its content into any MySQL manager app

    1. marvel-app/server/data/marvel_universe.sql
  3. Create the .env file in the marvel-app/server folder with the correct credential values

  1. Intall dependencies and run the backend server cd server && npm i && npm run dev

  2. Test the REST Services using the marvel-app/HEROES.postman_collection.json colection

  3. Finally run the frontend server cd .. && npm i && npm start