
semantic-release plugin to publish Helm charts

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semantic-release plugin to publish Helm charts.

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Step Description
verifyConditions Verify required configuration and login to Helm registry.
prepare Update version and/or appVersion in Chart.yaml.
publish Publish Helm chart to registry.

NOTE: This is a fork of semantic-release-helm with added support for ChartMuseum repositories such as Harbor by utilizing the helm cm-push plugin. It also supports helm versions >=3.7.0 and pre-release branches.

This is a plugin for semantic-release. It updates version and appVersion of a Helm chart's Chart.yaml.

The version and appVersion are updated according to nextRelease.version. Updating the appVersion is optional and can be disabled by setting onlyUpdateVersion to true.


npm install semantic-release-helm3 -D


path has been renamed to chartPath to prevent config conflicts.

version 0.1.0  
appVersion 1.16.0
  1. patch (1.16.0 -> 1.16.1)
    New chart version is 0.1.1

  2. minor (1.16.0 -> 1.17.0)
    New chart version is 0.2.0

  3. major (1.16.0 -> 2.0.0)
    New chart version is 1.0.0


Plugin Config

Parameter Type Default Required Description
chartPath string "" true Chart directory, where the Chart.yaml is located.
registry string "" false URI of a container registry.
onlyUpdateVersion boolean false false Don't change appVersion if this is true. Useful if your chart is in a different git repo than the application.
crPublish boolean false false Enable chart-releaser publishing.
crConfigPath string "" false Path to .ct.yaml chart-releaser configuration file.
isChartMuseum boolean false false Enable ChartMuseum publishing.
populateChangelog boolean false false Populate artifacthub.io/changes annotations with notes produced by @semantic-release/release-notes-generator compatible plugins.
packageArgs string "" false Additional parameters for the helm package command, e.g. --key mykey --keyring ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg

Environment Variables

Pass credentials through environment variables accordingly:


For S3 pass the AWS credentials as environment variables:



This will update version and appVersion in ./chart/Chart.yaml and push the chart to localhost:5000/repo/chart. The image will be tagged with the value of version from Chart.yaml.

  "plugins": [
        chartPath: './chart',
        registry: 'localhost:5000/repo/chart'

ChartMuseum Example

The helm cm-push plugin adds support for ChartMuseum repositories such as Harbor.

This will push the chart to the specified repository, e.g. https://mydomain.com/chartrepo/myproject and tag the chart with the value of version from Chart.yaml.

It is important to set isChartMuseum to true and to specify the repository url as registry.

Note: It is required to have at least helm version 3.7.0 installed.

  "plugins": [
        chartPath: './chart',
        registry: 'https://mydomain.com/chartrepo/myproject',
        isChartMuseum: true

S3 Example

The helm-s3 plugin adds support for S3. Check the documentation for additional options

This will update version in ./chart/Chart.yaml and push the chart to s3://my-s3-bucket/s3-prefix. The image will be tagged with the value of version from Chart.yaml.

  "plugins": [
        chartPath: './chart',
        registry: 's3://my-s3-bucket-repo/s3-prefix',
        onlyUpdateVersion: true,