
Configure your Arch desktop and more using ansible


Ansible Arch Linux Setup Project (Cinnamon)

This is a fork of original project which was aiming for KDE. The main use for this project is to have a minimal install of Arch with Cinnamon DE and bare minimum tools to get started. Dracula theme is applied for eye candy.

Quick Start

Minimum requirement is to have a Arch linux installation with minimal setup with no Desktop environment.

Step 1: Clone this repository

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/linuxpiper/ansible-arch-setup.git

NOTE: You must use --recurse-submodules for this to work

Step 2: Install Ansible

sudo pacman -Sy git ansible

Step 3: Update your system (optional)

sudo pacman -Syu

Step 4: Update the username variable (critical)

Open up roles/common/vars/main.yml and change the username value to the appropriate user name for your system.

You absolutely should review all of the vars config file and modify it to your liking, however changing the username variable to match the username you are running this project for is the minimum you need to do.

If you want to use your own dotfiles, change the dotfiles.url value in the same config file to point to a git repo of your choosing.

Step 5: Run the Playbook

While in the roles directory, execute:

ansible-playbook -K main.yml

The -K parameter is equivilent to --ask-become-pass and is used to collect your password for items requiring become permissions.

Step 6: Reboot
