
This repository is a collection of web development practice done by me.

Used :

Projects included in Repo

  1. Analog Clock
  2. Animated Car
  3. Calculator
  4. Rock-Paper-Scissors Game

Each project is contained in a folder(name of folder is same as name of project, for instance Analog Clock directory contains the source code to make an Analog Clock).

How to Run these on your system within 2 minutes?

Step 1) Download/Clone the Repo in your system
Step 2) Unzip the Folder/Open index.html via google chrome or via live serverif you have VS Code(Live Server is an extension in VSCode, if its not installed in your VSCode, go to Extensions -> Search Live Server -> Install).And you have this extension now up and running in your VSCode

Step 3) Star the Repo if you like it
Step 4) Go ahead and make some changes to code, make an issue along with relevant details like functionality added, screenshots of the new look and so on.

** The Repo is under continuous maintenance and i regularly update some relevant projects to it **