
Completing all the exercises from https://www.ynonperek.com/2017/09/21/python-exercises/?utm_source=mybridge&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=read_more

Primary LanguagePython


Completing all the exercises from Python Exercies by Ynon Perek

The exercises are split into the following Sections:

01. Basic Syntax - Reference

1. Basic Syntax 1 - Completed

  • takes an integer input and returns the sum of its digits

2. Basic Syntax 2 - Incomplete

  • Not completed because the program is very similar to my word2vec and this is for the sake of my learning and not the arbitrary completion of a project. Its also really easily solved with NLTK

02. Text Processing - Reference

1. Text Processing 1 - Completed

  • takes the input file, regexes for values, outputs csv file with results

2. Text Processing 2 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

03. OS Integration - Reference

1. OS Integration 1 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

2. OS Integration 2 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

04. Functions - Reference

1. Functions 1 - Completed

  • function takes a number as input
  • returns the sum of the number's digits, throws value error otherwise

2. Functions 2 - Completed

  • function any number of inputs
  • returns the multiplicative sum of all the numbers, otherwise, returns 1

3. Functions 3 - Completed

  • function that takes a number any any number of words.
  • returns a list of all the words longer than that number

4. Functions 4 - Completed

  • a function(1) that takes a function(2), and any number of arguments
  • returns a dictionary where the keys are the outputs of the arguments through the passed function(2) and the values are a list of all inputs that resulted in that output

05. Decorators & Generators - Reference

1. Decorators & Generators 1 - Completed

  • create a decorator class that does not allow the function doit() to do anything for the first 5 calls

2. Decorators & Generators 2 - Completed

  • decorator the saves memory by reducing the number of times fibonacci sequence is called

3. Decorators & Generators 3 - Completed

  • Fibonacci sequence of Decorators & Generators completed with a non recursive generator instead of recursive function

4. Decorators & Generators 4 - Completed

  • decorator that throws assertion error if inputs do not match class types

5. Decorators & Generators 5 - Completed

  • decorator that throws assertion error if output does not match class type

06. Classes - Reference

1. Classes 1 - Complete

  • Class to track dependencies of objects and get the complete list of dependencies with no duplicates, depth first

2. Classes 2 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

3. Classes 3 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

4. Classes 4 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

07. Modules - Reference

1. Modules 1 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

2. Modules 2 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

3. Modules 3 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

4. Modules 4 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

08. Exceptions - Reference

1. Exceptions 1 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

2. Exceptions 2 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

3. Exceptions 3 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

09. Lists & Dictionaries - Reference

1. Lists & Dictionaries 1 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

2. Lists & Dictionaries 2 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

10. Multi Processing - Reference

1. Multi Processing 1 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

2. Multi Processing 2 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

3. Multi Processing 3 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

4. Multi Processing 4 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

11. Unit Tests - Reference

1. Unit Tests 1 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

2. Unit Tests 2 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

3. Unit Tests 3 - Incomplete

  • To be completed

4. Unit Tests 4 - Incomplete

  • To be completed