
:newspaper: A responsive interface of hacker news with summaries and illustrations.

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status Deploy to Bluemix

This service extracts summaries and illustrations from hacker news articles for people who want to get the most out of hacker news while cutting down the time spent on deciding which one to read and which to skip.


  • A responsive and modern interface that fits well on mobile phones
  • Summaries and images make articles scannable
  • Common video sites, PDFs and gists of github are embedded directly
  • Subdomains and their lovely favicons are also shown
  • Sort articles by score/comment/time

Talk is cheap, illustrate what it can do for me!




  • A better way to scrap websites(maybe PhantomJS & Selenium)
  • A more beautiful home page(maybe in HTML9)
  • A better algo to extract summaries
  • Sort articles by score/comment/time
  • RSS
  • Have a good sleep !important



中文版的 Startup News Digest